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Race webcasting is attempted by race directors and their support staff. Please remember that conditions under which they're working may make it difficult to post timely webcast updates... your interest and patience is appreciated!
Race Information
Race Name:Mad City 100K - 2011
State:Wisconsin, United States
 button: button: Webcast Autoplay
Event Information
Name of Event:Mad City 100K (solo)
Distance:100 Kilometers
Started Date/Time:Saturday April 9th, 2011, 6:31:03.75 am
button: Assign Numbers 

Event Information
Name of Event:Mad City 50K Relay (2 to 5 runners)
Distance:50 Kilometers
Started Date/Time:Saturday April 9th, 2011, 8:01:03.25 am
button: Assign Numbers 
Monitor participant progress by clicking on a race Number below.

This list of participants is ordered by captain's/coach's name. List by: Team Name
Number Name Race Day
Sex State /
Hometown Team Name
212Shelly Duffield203FWIMadisonBook It
Devin Duffield43M
Mary  Labno50F
Brianne Labno24F
Laurene Tomasini50F
217chris  gingher175Mwicottage groveBook It 2
greg  mahaffey38M
colleen gingher35F
bryan sullivan38M
kari sikorski28F
225David Haubenschild160MWIMiddletonThe Gas Passers
Tim Strigenz34M
Erich Marks31M
Andrew Hollatz30M
Colby Parks27M

Event Information
Name of Event:Mad City 50K (solo)
Distance:50 Kilometers
Started Date/Time:Saturday April 9th, 2011, 8:01:03.25 am
button: Assign Numbers 
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