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January 21st, 2025
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Race webcasting is attempted by race directors and their support staff. Please remember that conditions under which they're working may make it difficult to post timely webcast updates... your interest and patience is appreciated!
Race Information
Race Name:Illinois CLub Cross Country Invitational
Location:Skokie - at Harms Woods
State:Illinois, United States
 button: button: Webcast Autoplay
Event Information
Name of Event:Women's Masters
Distance:5 Kilometers
Started Date/Time:Sunday November 13th, 2016, 10:41:39.26 am
button: Assign Numbers 

Event Information
Name of Event:Men's Masters
Distance:5 Kilometers
Started Date/Time:Sunday November 13th, 2016, 10:41:39.26 am
button: Assign Numbers 
Monitor participant progress by clicking on a race Number below.

This list of 7 participants is ordered by captain's/coach's name. List by: Team Name
Number Name Race Day
Sex State /
Hometown Team Name
10Matthew Abbott49MILArlington HeightsFast Track
11Rob Chenoweth47M
12Paul Harris50M
13Dave Schaefers42M
14Scott Mangum41M
15Jim Robertson42M
16Scott Baltes44M
Julie BrunsILElmhurstElmhurst Running Club
21Tim Conheady59M
22Kurt Fiene55M
23Leo Kular54M
24Doug Pearson48M
30Steve Clark46MILNorthbrookLFLB Men's Masters
31Jason Rush43M
32Mike Marty40M
33Josh Rich47M
34Mike Disbrow51M
35Patrick Etherington44M
36Giles Chick46M
37Rich Martin50M
38Ron Thomas76M
40Scott Ebeling46MILEvanstonEvanston Running Club
41Dan Plyter42M
42Mark Smith45M
43Mike Rubin42M
44Suresh Decosta44M
45David Patchin51M
46John Critchley46M
47Angelo Frigo40M
48Keith Holzmueller61M
50Matt Longino44MILDowners GroveWSW Harriers
51Carlos Viramontes52M
52Kurt Wysock51M
53Charlie Shahbazian63M
54Sergio Arreola45M
55Bill Igoe69M
56Fernando Rivera52M
57Fred Arriaga51M
58Neil Sampath41M
60Michael Martineau41MILChicagoTrack and Trough Athletic Union
61Anand Parekh44M
62Lou Glaser54M
63Lance Caldwell46M
86Jeff Hojnacki41M
70Bill Westfall49MILGlenviewNorth Shore Harriers
71Bill Hague52M
72Bill Haveron46M
73Doug Ackerman48M

Event Information
Name of Event:Women's Open
Distance:5 Kilometers
Started Date/Time:Sunday November 13th, 2016, 11:20:31.96 am
button: Assign Numbers 

Event Information
Name of Event:Men's Open
Distance:5 Kilometers
Started Date/Time:Sunday November 13th, 2016, 11:20:31.96 am
button: Assign Numbers 

Event Information
Name of Event:All-comers/Junior High
Distance:5 Kilometers
Started Date/Time:Sunday November 13th, 2016, 10:01:41.11 am
button: Assign Numbers 
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