It's Monday,
February 10th, 2025
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Race webcasting is attempted by race directors and their support staff. Please remember that conditions under which they're working may make it difficult to post timely webcast updates... your interest and patience is appreciated!
Race Information
Race Name:Winter Challenge Cross Country III
Location:Caldwell Woods/Bunker Hill, Forest Preserve - Chicago
State:Illinois, United States
 button: button: Webcast Autoplay
Event Information
Name of Event:WC3 5-Km
Distance:5 Kilometers
Started Date/Time:Sunday January 12th, 2020, 9:39:52.57 am
button: Assign Numbers 
Monitor participant progress by clicking on a race Number below.

This list of 31 participants is ordered by name. List by: Race Number
Number Team Captain Age Category State /
Hometown Team Name
418Richard Beddome62MILChicago
419Jeremy Bleichman46MIlHighland parkNiles west running club
420Melissa Bleichman44FIlHighland ParkNile’s west running club
421Jerry Brennan56MILEVANSTONERC Turtles
422Connor Brown14MILElmwood ParkGuereca's Guys
423Abbe Burke61FILLake Forest
424Kimmy Chuang20FILAurora
425Katie Cibulsky40FIlPark Ridge
426Mike Cibulsky46MIlPark Ridge
427Michael Cramarosso59MIlChicago
428Uriel Delgado16MILElmwood ParkSweet Lou's Squad
429Ken Dietz71MILElmhurstRiis Park Striders
430Patti Downey52FILPark RidgeProof Positive
431Michael Duhn34MILChicago
432Veronica Dworak15FILChicago
433George Gauthier16MILElmwood ParkGuereca's Guys
434Luis Gomez18MILElmwood ParkSweet Lou's Squad
435Vincente Guereca17MILElmwood ParkGuereca's Guys
436Charles Heinrich28MILChicago
437Elise Heneghan11FILChicago
438Tom Kohler61MILPark RidgeProof Positive
439Mark Koski30MILChicago
441Nana Rodriguez41FIlChicago
442Nicole Saubert42FILEvanstonERC Turtles
443Anthony Schiller15MILElmwood ParkSweet Lou's Squad
444Tessa Sinnige32FILEvanstonERC Turtles
445Stephen Thornton63MILChicago
446Brian Vivona56MILChicago
447Lawton Warzala60MILChicago
448Michael Weinand40MILDes Plaines
449Logan Zinman Gerber32FILChicago

Event Information
Name of Event:WC3 15-Km
Distance:15 Kilometers
Started Date/Time:Sunday January 12th, 2020, 9:39:52.57 am
button: Assign Numbers 

Event Information
Name of Event:Gratuitous 6-Hour
Duration:6 Hours
Started Date/Time:Sunday January 12th, 2020, 8:09:45.05 am
button: Assign Numbers 
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