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| | | | The information of your selected race is detailed here. Information is posted and managed by race directors. Although information listed here is assumed to be accurate it's a good practice to confirm with a race director or specific race website before planning to attend a race! | | | | |
| | | | | | Race Information | | Description: | | | | | Paleozoic Trail RunsOrdovician Fall II![[Logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]](../paleozoic/paleozoicTrail_150-animate-OS15.gif) Eighth Annual Fall Season Paleozoic 50-Km and 25-Km Trail Runs on the Palos Trail System !
Monday November 9th - 8:30 am CST
Race week is upon us and we're looking forward to seeing all Paleozoic runners and volunteers this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the Palos Trail System, Forest Preserve District of Cook County! During the course of this week two email alert messages will be sent to all registered participants. Alerts will include race-week details, rules of competition, and updated trail conditions. Please watch for these race alerts to arrive via email. All packet pickup will take place onsite at our start/finish area, Wolf Road Woods, Grove #2 each race morning, beginning at 7:30 am CST.
For each participant... 'Race Day' assignments are available by clicking "Who's Registered" buttons under the "Registration" tab.
With regard for the health and safety of our shared running community... we'll have basic personal protective equipment (PPE) on hand such as hand sanitizer, protective exam gloves, disinfecting wipes. We encourage participants to bring along their own PPE and facial coverings. All in attendance will be subject to no-touch temperature screening at check-in, and everyone will be required to practice 6-feet social distancing, and wear facial coverings (while not running).
Thursday November 5th - 8:30 am CST
Through popular feedback from insightful runners our racecourse direction will be counterclockwise on race weekend. 50-Km = Six laps; 25-Km = Three laps. Tuesday November 3rd - 12:00 pm CST
Spots are available for racing on Friday November 13th. To guarantee your shirt size... act quickly and register prior to 9:00 am Wed Nov 4th! Afterwards, high-quality past-version first-run shirts may be selected at point of registration. Thursday October 29th - 11:00 am CDT
By popular demand and with pre-approval of Forest Preserve District of Cook County we're extending racing into Friday November 13th. We've reopened runner registration for Friday only! If you'd like to participate on Friday please get signed up by clicking the "Registration" tab (above), then click "Register for Event" at your choice of event distance... Paleo-Ord 50-Km, or Paleo-Ord 25-Km. Once the 50 spots of Friday are filled, race capacity is met and no further registration will be accepted... best to act quickly!
Tuesday October 13th - 1:45 pm CDT
Under the guidelines of Restore Illinois Phase 4 our permit allows a maximum of 50 runners per day. We've met capacity for Saturday and Sunday racing. At this point we've suspended further general-public runner registration. We are giving consideration to extending racing to Friday November 13th, but would need a critical mass of 30+ eager runners to make that happen. If you would like to race on Friday please register on our Paleozoic Wait List or email your eagerness to: bill@RunRace.net
You may quickly email a message by scrolling to the bottom of this page, within the Director Information area click the button to 'Email Director', and send your message to: Bill Thom
Monday October 5th - 2:00 pm CDT
We're proceeding with caution...
Yes, there will be a Paleozoic Trail Runs this fall of 2020!
But, major changes with precautionary measures will be implemented to ensure safety for all runners, volunteers, spectators, and officials of this season's race. The Forest Preserve District of Cook County has granted our plans to spread racing over two days, Saturday and Sunday, November 14th and 15th with maximum capacities of 50 participants per day. Further, our proposed racecourse for this fall has been given been given pre-approval. This course follows sections of our traditional northern racecourse but does not cross any roads, is a one-way loop, and has only one aid station located at its Start/Finish area of Wolf Road Woods, Grove #2.Paleozoic Trail Runs - Ordovician Fall II, Start / Finish area:
Wolf Road Woods, Grove #2
Palos Trail System
Willow Springs, IL 60480
GPS: 41.704348, -87.897167 Paleozoic Trail Runs - 2020 Fall Racecourse Map ![Paleozoic Trail Runs - 2020 Fall Racecourse Map [racecourse map: Paleozoic Trail Runs - 2020 Fall]](../paleozoic/Palos_Trail_System_V20PaleoOrdFall-II.jpg) Friday September 11th - 11:00 pm CDT
Under the guidelines of Restore Illinois Phase 4 our permit allows a maximum of 50 runners per day. We've met capacity for Saturday racing.
At this point we've suspended further runner registration. It's our intention to extend Paleozoic weekend racing to Sunday November 15th, however we have to clear our plans with the Forest Preserve District of Cook County before proceeding.
We've opened a Wait List for runners who missed out on Saturday registration but still want to be part of this fall's Paleo Ord-II race. It's possible, though unlikely, that some runners may opt out of Saturday racing, which could open spots for others. However, there's a better chance that a critical mass of 30+ runners might wait list for Sunday racing. If enough runners sign up for Sunday racing we'll apply for an extended permit and spread racing over both days of the weekend, Saturday and Sunday - November 14th & 15th.
There is no charge to register for our Paleozoic Wait List. Chronological order of registration will determine potential race participation as spots are available. Wait listers will be notified once they're eligible for race participation, and it will be their responsibility to fully register for their event distance and make payment to complete their race registration.
Watch this space for registration updates!
Friday September 11th - 10:00 pm CDT
With consideration to Coronavirus (COVID-19)...
Yes, there will be a Paleozoic Trail Runs this fall of 2020, but with precautionary measures to ensure safety for all runners, volunteers, spectators, and officials.
- This year's Paleozoic Trail Runs - Ordovician Fall II will be conducted under the guidelines of Restore Illinois Phase 4, as required by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County.
- Our permit allows a maximum capacity of 50 runners, which limits participation to the first 50 registrants combined across all event distances.
- All in attendance will be required to practice 6-feet social distancing, and wear facial coverings (while not running).
- We'll have basic personal protective equipment (PPE) on hand such as hand sanitizer, protective exam gloves, disinfecting wipes. We encourage participants to bring along their own PPE and facial coverings.
- There will be no runner self-serve at aid stations. Volunteers wearing facial masks and gloves will assist runners with hydration, nutrition, and aid.
Let's meet on the trails, have a fun race, and be safe at this version of Paleozoic Trail Runs!
Monday October 5th - 2:00 pm CDT
The following information is for historic reference...
Please keep in mind that many race details will be different for this fall's Paleozoic Trail Runs - Ordovician Fall II!
Journey back in time to this rollicking run along forested, unpaved paths of our Palos / Sag Valley Trail Systems within the Cook County Forest Preserve - Regions 6 / 7. We've charted a stimulating course that's sure to satisfy your primordial instinct to "go long." Are you up to the challenge? Choose your distance wisely... take your training seriously... then come race day, it's "finish or fossilize!"
Please join us for our eighth annual fall version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Ordovician Fall II, Saturday November 14, 2020. For your adventure we will provide:- your choice between our ultra distance of 50 kilometers, or our one-lap tour of 25 kilometers
- space for 200 eager runners... permit restrictions limit race participation to the first 200 registrants, which is a total combined count of participants from both events... it's possible that we'll meet capacity, so don't wait too long before committing (hint : )
- chip timing & scoring with instant results published on RunRace.net for all participants
- finisher awards for all participants... that is, those who "did not fossilize"
- awards in both events for top overall, top masters, and top finishers in 10-year age groups for both sexes
- special commemorative awards for first-time ultra finishers (50-Km participants)
- special honorary race gifts for five-time and ten-time finishers of Paleozoic Trail Runs
- an accurately measured, clearly-marked course, with well-stocked aid stations occurring at ~7.775-mile intervals, plus unmanned station midpoint of course
- our course is pre-approved by the Cook County Forest Preserve (permit pending) and will be policed at its road crossings
General public registration is set to open at 6:00 am on June 1, 2020, here on our RunRace Network!
Our fall version of Paleozoic Trail Runs, Paleo-Ord takes place entirely within the Palos Trail System, Region 6 of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, which is located approximately 22 miles southwest of downtown Chicago. Pioneer Woods, Grove #2 serves as race start / finish area and our primary aid station.
Paleozoic Trail Runs - Ordovician Fall II, Start / Finish area:
Pioneer Woods, Grove #2
10218 107th St
Willow Springs, IL 60480
GPS: 41.695729, -87.868920
A variety of surfaces make up our north racecourse. Wide crushed gravel paths comprise about 75% of this course. Along the way you'll encounter a mix of narrower, more rugged dirt trails, occasional grass segments, and even stretches of eroding asphalt. The non-crushed gravel sections can be moderately rocky with the occasional stray root. Compared to most others in greater Chicagoland, our course should be considered as "quite hilly." Trail shoes are recommended, but not necessary, especially if conditions are dry leading up to race day. The course will be well-marked, with fully stocked aid stations at ~7.775-mile intervals, plus an unmanned / water-only station at midpoint of our course. There will be two (2) road crossings per lap, policed by FPDCC personnel. Each lap is 25 kilometers (~15.55 miles) in length.
Paleozoic Trail Runs - Ordovician Fall II Our North Racecourse Map ![Paleozoic Trail Runs - North Racecourse Map [racecourse map: Paleozoic Trail Runs - North Racecourse]](../paleozoic/trailMap_Rg6-NorthCourse.jpg) Weather forecast: National Weather Service
![click for: USATF Website in new browser window [Logo: USA Track & Field]](../images/logo/usatfLogoRecreate.gif) ![[Logo: USATF Sanction]](../images/logo/usatfSanction2015.jpg) Paleozoic Trail Runs will be sanctioned by USA Track & Field. You may visit the USATF website by clicking either logo image.
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| Posted: | March 14th, 2020 2:10 pm | Last Update: | September 11th, 2020 9:45 pm | Viewed: | 68878 |
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| | | | | Event Information | For multiple Member Events: | | | Name of Event | Distance | Measurement | Date | Start Time | Relay Members | Team Members | | | Paleo-Ord 50-Km | 50.00 | Kilometers | Nov 13th, 2020 | 8:30 am | | | | | Paleo-Ord 25-Km | 25.00 | Kilometers | Nov 13th, 2020 | 9:30 am | | | | | Paleo-Ord Volunteer | 9.00 | Hours | Nov 14th, 2020 | 7:30 am | | |
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| | | | | Name of Race Director | Email Address | Phone Number | Bill Thom | bill@runrace.net | 312 316-4698 (cell) | Michelle | michelle@runrace.net | |
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