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February 11th, 2025
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The information of your selected race is detailed here. Information is posted and  managed by race directors. Although information listed here is assumed to be accurate it's a good practice to confirm with a race director or  specific race website before planning to attend a race!
Race Information
Race Name:Night Crawlers Trail Adventure
Date:Saturday August 17th, 2024 - 8:00 pm
Location:Silver Lake
State:Wisconsin, United States
Website:  Go there or Go there in new browser
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Join Kenosha Running Company and your fellow trail enthusiasts for some fun after dark!!! The 6th Annual Nightcrawlers Trail Adventure is a unique night trail run/walk event that starts at 8:00pm (just before sunset), runners and walkers will have the ability to explore from a completely different perspective, the DARK!

Distances: 2.5m, 5.0 m, 7.5m & 10 miles. If you want to run this one as a relay, you are welcome to bring along a friend.

After you have tamed your fears (and if you haven't been carried away by the things that go bump in the night), enjoy sharing your tales of trail terror with friends.

In order to safely navigate the trails and to return to us safely, all runners/walkers are required to wear either a headlamp or have Knuckle Lights. The trail will be well marked with reflective marking and "tricky" areas will be illuminated by ground lanterns. Runners will not be permitted to go out on another loop after 9:30 p.m, as we need to be cleaned up and gone by 10:30pm.

Online sign up will close Friday August 16th at 10am, with early bib pickup starting at 11:30am until 4:00pm at Kenosha Running Company, 1706 22nd Ave., Kenosha

Bib pickup and same day sign up will start at 6:45pm. Swag will be available for purchase.
Posted:October 22nd, 2021 1:50 pm
Last Update:December 22nd, 2023 11:16 am
Event InformationFor multiple Member Events:
Name of EventDistanceMeasurementDateStart TimeRelay MembersTeam Members
  1 Loop2.50MilesAug 17th, 20248:00 pm
  2 Loops5.00MilesAug 17th, 20248:00 pm
  3 Loops7.50MilesAug 17th, 20248:00 pm
  4 loops10.00MilesAug 17th, 20248:00 pm
Director Information
button: Email RDs
Name of Race DirectorEmail AddressPhone Number
Nicolenicole@kenosharunningcompany.com262 925 0300
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