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February 7th, 2025
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Race webcasting is attempted by race directors and their support staff. Please remember that conditions under which they're working may make it difficult to post timely webcast updates... your interest and patience is appreciated!
Race Information
Race Name:Rock River Leisure Estates 5K
Location:Rock River Leisure Estates
State:Wisconsin, United States
 button: button: Webcast Autoplay
Event Information
Name of Event:Rock River Leisure Estates 5K
Distance:5 Kilometers
Started Date/Time:Sunday May 28th, 2023, 8:03:09.04 am
button: Assign Numbers 
Monitor participant progress by clicking on a race Number below.

This list of 61 participants is ordered by name. List by: Race Number
Number Team Captain Age Category State /
Hometown Team Name
92Harper Bara9FWiTwin lakes
93Jen Bara42FWIPleasant Prairie
94Michelle Bara36FWiTwin lakes
95Megan Baumgartner37FILAlgonquinTeam Yam Yam
148Erin Brown14FWIRRLE
96Tracy Callaghan61FILLibertyville
150Cathy CaskeroF
97Brent Chiaramonti27MILLombard
98Kinsley Christensen13FWIPleasant Prairie
99Michelle Christensen47FWIPleasant Prairie
100Andrew Doetsch19MILAlgonquinTeam Doetsch
101Jason Doetsch48MILAlgonquinTeam Doetsch
152Charlie Duncan17MILGalena
102emma duncan15Milgalena
103laura duncan50Filgalena
104Shelly Ellis Ellis62FWIEdgertonTeam Bern
105Mary Beth Erickson42FILElgin
106Mary Feffer60FWIEDGERTON
107Danielle Fidanzia54FIlChicago
108Gayle Garcia54FIlChicago
109kerri gilbert42Filwheeling
110melanie gilbert41Filwheeling
111mike gilbert40Milwheeling
112Ryan Hallgren16MILZion
113Patrick Hansen35MWIWauwatosa
114Laurie Heyerdahl59FWIEdgertonTeam Bern
146Mari Hoetzer54FILLindenhurst
115Edward Kaszubowski55MILMount Prospect
145Cheryl Kolbert58FTXSan Antonio
116Justin Lawrence43MILMcHenry
117Tina Lawrence39FILMcHenry
118curt lindsey51Mwibeloit
119Traci Lindsey43FWIBeloit
120Leeanne LoPresti47FILJohnsburg
149Kate Mayer48FILSugar Grove
121Hailey Montero10FILAlgonquinTeam Yam Yam
122Mike Montero32MILAlgonquinTeam Yam Yam
123Kristen Moser54FWIEdgerton
124Trent Moser62MWiEdgerton
125Lisa Oliver35FILMcHenry
126mike oliver36MILMCHENRY
127Joe O’Brien32MILLakemoor
128Tony Paszyna49MWIEdgerton
129Becerra paul31Milriver grove
130Gillian Reyna60FWIEdgerton
131dan sander51Milantioch
132Gale Satzke61FILAlgonquinTeam Yam Yam
133Anthony Say15MILSchaumburg
134Tambra Say56FILSchaumburg
135Julie Shafer59FWIEdgertonTeam Bern
136Kathy Shafer62FWIEdgertonTeam Bern
137Lynn Stoppa67FILAlgonquinTeam Yam Yam
138Sarah Stumpf36FIlBelvidere
139reiss thompsom14Mildekalb
140Robert Torres15MILZion
141Jeff Veenendaal57MIlArlington Hts.
151Troy VolkM
142Rose Walker57FWIEdgertonTeam Bern
143Walter Wendel61Mildowners grove
144Kinley Wills8FILAlgonquinTeam Yam Yam
147Diane Wilson74FILMcHenry

Event Information
Name of Event:Rock River Leisure Estates 1K
Distance:1 Kilometer
Started Date/Time:Sunday May 28th, 2023, 8:03:09.04 am
button: Assign Numbers 
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