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February 11th, 2025
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Race webcasting is attempted by race directors and their support staff. Please remember that conditions under which they're working may make it difficult to post timely webcast updates... your interest and patience is appreciated!
Race Information
Race Name:Rock River Leisure Estates 5K
Location:Rock River Leisure Estates
State:Wisconsin, United States
 button: button: Webcast Autoplay
Event Information
Name of Event:Rock River Leisure Estates 5K
Distance:5 Kilometers
Started Date/Time:Sunday May 28th, 2023, 8:03:09.04 am
button: Assign Numbers 

Event Information
Name of Event:Rock River Leisure Estates 1K
Distance:1 Kilometer
Started Date/Time:Sunday May 28th, 2023, 8:03:09.04 am
button: Assign Numbers 
Monitor participant progress by clicking on a race Number below.

This list of 30 participants is ordered by name. List by: Race Number
Number Team Captain Age Category State /
Hometown Team Name
175Kathleen Barto43FILDowners Grove
177Keslia (Kessy) Barto5FILDowners Grove
176Konnelly Barto7FILDowners Grove
178Koralyn Barto8FILDowners Grove
179Theresa Borkenhagen73FWiEdgerton
180Amanda Cunningham35FILLakemoor
181Ed Cunningham69MWIEdgerton
182Sherry Eddy60FWIEdgertonTeam Bern
183Doris Estes73FWIEdgerton
184Michelle Gould42FILPlano
185Mike Gould57MILPlano
186janet johnson55Fwiedgerton
187Bob Kostrzeski72MFlPunta Gorda
188Colleen Kostrzeski58FFlPunta Gorda
189Hayley Lawrence14FILMcHenry
190Maya Lawrence17FILMcHenry
191joselyn lopez17Filbelvedere
192Jenna LoPresti15FILJohnsburg
193Julie Monahan67FWiEdgerton
194Karen Mungovan74FIlRolling Meadows
195Tom Mungovan80MIlRolling Meadows
196Lily Oliver6FILMcHenry
197Julie O’Brien32FILLakemoor
198Kylie Peterson14FILMchenry
199Rick Schaller56MTNChuckey
200Tracy Schaller57FTNChuckey
201judy Scott65FWIMilton
202oliva stary17Filbelvedere
203david whitfield71Mwiedgerton
204susan whitfield67Filhampshire
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