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Attention... registration for this event closed on Tuesday August 15th, 2023 - Noon (USCT).
Race Information
Race Name:The Drake Well Marathon
State:Pennsylvania, United States
Posted:March 1st, 2023 5:50 am
Last Update:August 15th, 2023 5:15 pm
Race: Logo
Event Information
Name of Event:Drake Well Marathon - Virtual
Type of Event:Virtual
Date:Sunday August 20th, 2023
Start Time:7:00 am
Special Instructions:
You MUST run your route between August 6, 2023 - August 20, 2023. If you choose to wait until August 20, then your finish time MUST be before 1:30pm as this is the official finish time of the race. You MUST send your GPS information to the race director by August 25, 2023 to be eligible to receive your virtual finishers awards by mail.
You MUST register by July 23rd to guarantee a shirt. We cannot guarantee that you'll receive a shirt if you register after July 23rd.
Minimum Age:16
Event Registration Schedule
Currently runner registration is not available through the website of RunRace for this event. Click the Race Detail tab above and check with the specific race website for more information.
This race features 4 events. Please checkmark to verify your registration intentions for:
Drake Well Marathon - Virtual Virtual 26.22 Miles
To choose a different registration, click its name below:
Drake Well Marathon • 26.22 Miles
Drake Well 1/2 Marathon • 13.11 Miles
Drake Well 1/2 Marathon - Virtual • Virtual 13.11 Miles
Step 1 of 2 - Runner Registration
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
State / Province

Use 2 digit code for US and Canada
otherwise, leave blank.
Country, if outside of the U.S. and Canada

Leave blank if address is in US or  Canada.
Zip / Postal Code
Primary Phone Number

Required... please provide your primary number.
Other Phone

Optional... Provide an alternate phone number.
Email Address

Your active  Email Address... check for accuracy.
Runner's Date of Birth

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

M for Male, F for Female.
Apparel Description
We're pleased to offer moisture wicking 1/4 zip pullovers to the Full Marathon participants(including virtual) and short sleeved shirts to the Half Marathon pre-registered participants(including virtual). Be sure to register by JULY 23, 2023 to guarantee your size!
Shirt Selection

Medical Info

Optional... please describe any medical conditions, allergies, prescription drugs (that you're taking) of which we should be made aware.

Emergency Contact Name

Emergency Contact Phone Number

Required... provide the name and phone number of someone who is not running in the race as a contact, which we may use in the unlikely event of an emergency.

Waiver Must Be Read and Signed:
PARTICIPANTS – PLEASE READ AND SIGN WAIVER FORM BELOW: I understand that my participation in this athletic activity involves the risk of injury to my person, as well as possible lost, stolen or damaged items. I personally hereby agree to assume the risks. It is further understood that there is no health or accident coverage for treatment of injuries experienced or incurred during this program or as a result of the program. I certify that I am in good health, at least 16 years of age and have no existing injury or illness which might limit my participation in this program. In the event that I become aware of any such condition, I will immediately notify the race director. For and in consideration of my ability to participate in this athletic program, I personally hereby release Friends of Drake Well, Inc., the City of Titusville, Drake Well Museum and Park, the Commonwealth of PA and Oil Creek State Park as well as all volunteers or employees participating in this program from any and all claims or causes of action that I might have against them for injuries to myself, damage or loss of personal property, resulting from my participation in this program. In further consideration of my ability to participate in this program I agree to hold the Friends of Drake Well, Inc., the City of Titusville, Drake Well Museum and Park, the Commonwealth of PA and Oil Creek State Park and all volunteers or employees, or any other personnel involved harmless from and against any and all causes of action claims or lawsuits that might be brought against any or all of them arising from or relating to any injuries sustained by myself as a result of participating in this athletic program. Said indemnity shall include court costs and reasonable attorney’s fees. This release shall extend to my heirs, personal representatives and assigns.
By agreeing to this waiver you submit to the terms and conditions as set forth by this event and certify that you have provided true and accurate information as requested through this registration process.
YOUTH PARTICIPIANT 1). PARENTS: PLEASE READ AND SIGN WAIVER: I/We the parents (guardian of _________________________________________________________ hereby give my/our approval for his/her participation in the program to __________________________ _______________________ ______________________ Signature of Mother (date) Signature of Father (date) Signature of Guardian (date)
ADULT PARTICIPIANT 2). ADULT PARTICIPANTS – ______________________________________ PARTICIPANT’S SIGNATURE (date)
 Agree to waiver by checking here.
By agreeing to this waiver you submit to the terms and conditions as set forth by this event and certify that you have provided true and accurate information as requested through this registration process.

Currently registration status is in Closed status. Please check with the race director for further information related to registration for this event.
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