It's Saturday,
February 8th, 2025
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Attention... registration for this event closed on Tuesday February 27th, 2024 - 2:00 pm (USCT). Special coupon codes may have ability to override established registration restrictions.
Race Information
Race Name:Ice Age Trail 50 - 2024
Location:La Grange
State:Wisconsin, United States
Posted:September 25th, 2023 12:57 pm
Last Update:December 20th, 2023 1:51 pm
Race: Logo
Event Information
Name of Event:Ice Age Trail Wait List
Type of Event:Waitlist
Date:Saturday May 11th, 2024
Start Time:6:00 am
Special Instructions:
If a race/event meets its capacity, you may register for our Wait List. There is no cost to sign up. As space becomes available, wait-list registrants will be selected in chronological order. Selected runners will be contacted, issued instructions, and a window of time in which they must complete their registration. Thanks, Wait-Listers!

January 2nd, 2024... Waitlist spots for the 50 Kilometer and Half Marathon have been exhausted. At this point we're accepting waitlist entries only for the 50 Mile. Thanks for your interest and understanding, Ice Age Trail runners!
Event Registration Schedule
Opened:Sunday December 17th, 20234:30 pm
Deadline passed:Tuesday February 27th, 20242:00 pm $ 0
Unless otherwise noted... Registration Dates & Times are based upon: U.S. Central Standard Time
This race features 5 events. Please checkmark to verify your registration intentions for:
Ice Age Trail Wait List 1 Time
To choose a different registration, click its name below:
Ice Age Trail 50 Mile • 50 Miles
Ice Age Trail 50 Kilometer • 50 Kilometers
Ice Age Trail Half Marathon • 13.1 Miles
Post-race Barbecue Tickets • 6 Hours
Step 1 of 2 - Wait List Registration
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
State / Province

Use 2 digit code for US and Canada
otherwise, leave blank.
[US Flag]  [Canadian Flag]
Country (only if outside of the U.S. and Canada)

Leave blank if address is within US or Canada.
Zip / Postal Code
Primary Phone Number
Required... please provide your primary number.
Other Phone
Optional... provide an alternate phone number.
Email Address

Participant's active Email Address... check for accuracy.
Participant's Date of Birth

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Gender: M for Male, F for Female.

Special Class: What is Your Desired Event Distance?
Required... select your desired wait list event distance.

WAIVER AND RELEASE. I understand that running the Ice Age Trail race is a potentially hazardous activity, in which injuries and death may occur and am choosing to engage in this race is at my own risk. I am voluntarily participating in this activity and assuming all risk of injury or contraction of any illness or medical condition that might result therefrom, at any present or future time, or any damage of any real or personal property.
I hereby release the Badgerland Striders Runners Club, its agents and employees, volunteers, the counties of Waukesha, Walworth & Jefferson, the towns of La Grange, Palmyra & Whitewater, emergency medical personnel and the Department of Natural Resources and all sponsors, their representatives and successors, from any and all claims or causes of action including but not limited to acts arising out of any action or inaction, regardless of any degree of negligence and/or carelessness. This Waiver and Release of all liability includes, without limitation, falls, contact with other participants, contact with other individuals or vehicles on or off the trail, the effects of the weather, including but not limited to high heat, humidity, lightning, wind, and/or rain, traffic and the conditions of the road, vehicles and bikes on the trail, injuries which may occur as a result of use of any facility or its improper maintenance, negligent instruction or supervision, loss of consortium, slipping and falling at any time, and/or any risks known or unknown to me. I acknowledge that I have carefully read this Waiver and fully understand its release of all liability. In addition, I hereby waive any right by, or on behalf of, myself, spouse or any child (minor or otherwise) to assert legal action for any of the activities described in this paragraph. I understand that Badgerland Striders Runners Club staff, volunteers, agents, and employees are not physical or medical experts of any kind. I hereby grant Badgerland Striders Runners Club staff, volunteers, agents, and assigns permission to, at their discretion, render temporary first aid to me in the event of any illness and if deemed necessary, to seek medical help, including the calling of an ambulance for transport to any health care facility or hospital.
Badgerland Striders Runners Club assumes no liability for actions of Runner. In addition to and not in limitation of any of its obligations hereunder, Runner shall, to the extent permitted by law, protect, indemnify, save, defend and hold harmless the Badgerland Striders, its officers, officials, volunteers, employees, and agents from and against any and all liabilities, claims for compensation, obligations, claims, damages, penalties, causes of action, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, for which the Badgerland Striders, its officers, officials, volunteers, employees, and agents may become obligated by reason of any accident, injury or death of persons, civil or constitutional right violation, or loss of or damage to tangible property, or any claim made under any federal or state law arising out of any act of Runner.
PHOTOGRAPHS. I hereby give permission for Badgerland Striders Running Club to use any photographs, video or other record of events for promotional or other purposes.
OBLIGATIONS. I will not enter and participate unless I am medically able and properly trained, and by my acceptance of this waiver, I certify that I am medically able to perform this event, and am in good health, and I am properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to any aspect of my participation in this event, including the right of any official to deny or suspend my participation for any reason whatsoever. I attest that I have read the rules of the race and agree to abide by them. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to study and learn the trail in advance and to run 50 miles, 50K or 13.1 miles on the official course to get an official time and belt buckle. Running any distance less than 50 miles, 50K or 13.1 miles will result in disqualification.
REFUNDS. No refunds will be given at any time, regardless of the reason, including runner disqualification. Course officials reserve the right to cancel the event at any time, for any reason. By signing this waiver, I consent that I am not entitled to a refund if the event is cancelled before or during the event.

 Agree to waiver by checking here.
By agreeing to this waiver you submit to the terms and conditions as set forth by this event and certify that you have provided true and accurate information as requested through this registration process.
Coupon Code
Do you have a coupon or promo code? If so, please include it here.

The registration deadline for this Event has passed... registration is no longer available. Special coupon codes may have ability to override registration dates.
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