It's Wednesday,
February 12th, 2025
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The information of your selected race is detailed here. Information is posted and  managed by race directors. Although information listed here is assumed to be accurate it's a good practice to confirm with a race director or  specific race website before planning to attend a race!
Race Information
Race Name:Dances With Dirt Devil's Lake
Date:Saturday July 13th, 2024 - 5:30 am
Location:Devil's Lake
State:Michigan, United States
Website:  Go there or Go there in new browser
Post a Race:
The perfect midsummer road trip trail run! Just north of Madison lies Devil's Lake, an area of amazing geological, ice age creation, the perfect backdrop for an adventure run that includes "The most dramatic aid station location in the world!"

All entries include a post race barbecue bash, custom technical gender specific fit t-shirt and finisher medal! Overall awards to first three male and female in all distances. Age group awards 3 deep in all 5 year age groups for all events!

Dances with Dirt continues to lure runners over to the dark side. Not a Peter Cottontail Bunny Trail run but an insane test of human endurance with muscles on fire and a finish line that will leave you beaten to a pulp but totally satisfied! Expect a day that leaves you knowing you are fully awake, alive and living life in full color out near the crumbling edge.
Posted:January 11th, 2024 11:21 am
Event InformationFor multiple Member Events:
Name of EventDistanceMeasurementDateStart TimeRelay MembersTeam Members
  50M50.00MilesJul 13th, 20245:30 am
  50K50.00KilometersJul 13th, 20245:30 am
  Marathon26.20MilesJul 13th, 20246:15 am
  Half Marathon13.10MilesJul 13th, 20247:00 am
  10K10.00KilometersJul 13th, 20248:00 am
Director Information
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Anna Przybylskiinfo@rfevents.com734-929-9027
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