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February 11th, 2025
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Race Information
Race Name:3H Trail Half Marathon
Date:Saturday August 3rd, 2024 - 7:30 am
Location:King George
State:Virginia, United States
Website:  Go there or Go there in new browser
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Don't miss out on the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the Dahlgren Railroad Heritage Trail.  Sure, it's held in August.  In Virginia.  But that's why it's known as the 3H Half: it's HOT, HAZY, and HUMID.  All runners will receive a technical tank top or t-shirt (your choice!) and a finisher's medal.

This is a beautiful, scenic out and back course on a flat, smooth rails to trails course.  Cash prizes, great competition, good food, and awesome swag all make this a memorable event.  There is a 5-hour time limit for the half marathon - runners and walkers are welcome! If you're looking for a longer challenge, take on the DHRT 50K - same day, earlier start time at 6:30am!

This race is the third race in the King George Trail Series: the Dahlgren Trail Half Marathon in February, Sheetz-to-Sheetz Trail Run in March & the 3H Half Marathon in August! KG Trail Series finishers will receive a finisher prize and custom medal!  If you're feeling extra, you can always sign up to run the DHRT 50K on August 3rd instead of the 3H Half and still complete the King George Trail Series!
Posted:November 26th, 2023 2:48 pm
Event InformationFor multiple Member Events:
Name of EventDistanceMeasurementDateStart TimeRelay MembersTeam Members
  Half Marathon13.10MilesAug 3rd, 20247:30 am
  50K50.00KilometersAug 3rd, 20246:30 am
Director Information
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Name of Race DirectorEmail AddressPhone Number
Kristen Loescherkristen@arsenal-events.com8045723060
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