It's Friday,
February 7th, 2025
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How it Works
RunRace is an interactive website for runners and race directors designed to keep the running community connected through a variety of virtual activities. Great care is built into the design of our website to make the experience fun, easy to use and intuitive. Some activities may need further explanation and you'll find that here in our "How it Works" webpage.

Run Race: Race Director meets with race committeeRace Directors... Planning your race is the 1st step. Meet with your race committee and detail your race and goals. Make a checklist... what events will you offer, how many participants do you expect, do you need to secure local permits and insurance, do you have sufficient parking & traffic control & transportation, do you have means to time & score your finish line, how will you communicate your race to participants, how will you manage race results, do you have enough manpower & volunteers. Your checklist will spur other questions. Be sure to thoroughly list your details and responsibilities.
Run Race: Race Director posts race information to the website of Run RacePost a Race... Announce your race through our website. It's quick, easy, and there is absolutely no charge to post your race. Even if you have a race website, posting your race with us will help draw runners to you through our system generated hyperlinks and better search results. Eager runners review our listings daily so make sure that your race is listed!
To announce your race click: Post a New Race
Run Race: Runners search our listings dailyRunners search our listings... Once posted your race listing will display on our "Find a Race" webpage in a chronological index. Each time that your race is clicked into  its detail will be displayed. There, runners will see all the information that you want announced. An incremental counter - Viewed: tracks the number of times your race detail was viewed. Your race information will always be respected and only you and your defined administrators will have access to modify your details.
To see a demo  of a posted race click: Find a Race: Demo

Run Race: Race Director sets up online Race RegistrationOnce your race is posted on the website of Run Race  it's easy to set up secure online race registration. Choose the Race Registration Options  that are best for your race and establish your Event Registration Schedule. Based upon your settings and schedule participants will be able to register for your events. As participants register you will have full control of their applications and  your race accounting. It's quick and easy for participants - and a true convenience for race directors.
To get started, log in to Run Race  with your User ID - the ID that you used when you posted your race. Then click into our "Post a Race" webpage. Click the tab, 'Race Registration'.
Run Race: Screen sample of Race Registration Options in Edit mode
Screen sample of Race Registration Options in Edit mode.
Set your Race Registration Options  by selecting its radio button and clicking the Edit button near the bottom of the screen. In edit mode you will be able to set the following options...
  • Registration Status: Set to Open, Closed, or Test.
  • Payment Options: Select any combination of Personal Check, Money Order, Credit Card. These are the options that your participants will have to make payment for their registration.
  • Payable to: For payments of Personal Check  and Money Order  participants will be instructed to make their payments payable to, and then mail to the address that you provide here.
  • Waiver: The waiver that you set will appear on the online registration screen. Participants will have to checkmark  in agreement to your waiver in order to register for an event of your race.
  • Race Shirt Descriptions: Do you have race shirts or premium choices? This is where you describe your goodies to participants allowing them to choose one on the online registration screen.
    With your Race Registration Options  set to your preferences click the Update button near the bottom of the screen to save and activate. If you need make any changes to your settings, no problem... just repeat this process.
    Now that your Race Registration Options  are complete you need to set to your Event Registration Schedule  for each of your events.
    Run Race: Screen sample of Event Registration Schedule in Edit mode
    Screen sample of Event Registration Schedule in Edit mode.
    Set your Event Registration Schedule  by selecting its radio button and clicking the Edit button near the bottom of the screen. In edit mode you will be able to set the following options...
  • Registration Opens: Set to the date that you wish to open online race registration for this event.
  • Registration by 1: The first of three cutoff dates to register for this event.
  • Cost 1: The fee participants will pay for registering by the first of three cutoff dates.
  • Registration by 2: The second of three cutoff dates to register for this event.
  • Cost 2: The fee participants will pay for registering by the second of three cutoff dates.
  • Registration by 3: The third of three cutoff dates to register for this event.
  • Cost 3: The fee participants will pay for registering by the third of three cutoff dates.
  • Allow displaying of Who's Registered for this event? Select Yes or No. Yes sets up a link allowing website visitors to display a listing of participants who have registered for this event.
    You do not need to provide three 'Registration by' and 'Cost' settings. One is sufficient but each cutoff date  must have a matching cost. With your Event Registration Schedule  set to your preferences click the Update button near the bottom of the screen to save and activate. If you need make any changes to your settings, no problem... just repeat this process.
    To see an example of the race registration setup screen click: Race Registration
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