It's Wednesday,
February 12th, 2025
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Race: Logo Winter Endurance Fans...
* January 25, 2025... Chillicothe, IL: It's race day for the annual running of Chillbilly Endurance Events, featuring time durations of 2 Hours, and 8 Hours. Check out Chillbilly Results with runner mileage, as provided by RD Jenna Bahaj.

Race: Logo Winter Harriers...
January 12th, 2025... Chicago, IL: Get your winter-teammates, grab your racing shoes/spikes, and join us for Winter Challenge Cross Country VII racing over the tree-lined groves of Caldwell Woods and Bunker Hill forest preserves. Our seventh annual race features event distances of 5 kilometers, 15 kilometers, and ultra attractive Gratuitous Six-Hour Run. Registration is open until 12:00 pm, Noon Saturday (race eve). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our 2025 Run Report with a gallery of photos. Cross country... the best of all human endeavors!

[logo: Ice Age Trail 50]
December 16th, 11:30 am... The 2025 Ice Age Trail 50k and Half Marathon races are sold out. You can add your name to the Wait List while spots are available. The wait lists will be capped at 35 runners. Thanks for your interest!
Ice Age Trail Runners... The race date for events of the 43rd Annual Ice Age Trail 50 is Saturday May 10th, 2025. December is registration month under the following schedule:
* Qualified early registration, for runners who meet special criteria will be available Saturday December 7th, from 3:00pm CST to 5:00pm CST. Early registration criteria:
  • You have nine or more IAT finishes (in any single event or combination of events).
  • You volunteered at the 2024 race.
  • You finished top 10 overall (men and women) or top three in your age division in any of the 2024 races.
  • Your entry was deferred from 2024.
  • You are the race director of an ultramarathon.
  • You are registered in the 2025 50k Mash-up series.
  • You are a paid member of the Upper Midwest Trail Runners.
* General registration for all runners will be available Sunday December 15th, opening at 12:00 Noon CST for the IAT 50 Mile, 3:00pm CST for the IAT 50 Kilometer, 6:00pm CST for the Half Marathon.
Afterward, interested runners may sign up on the Ice Age Trail Wait List.
Find out more and view 2025 Ice Age Trail Race Detail.

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* November 9th, 2024... Palos Park, IL: Journey back in time for our twelfth annual fall version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Silurian Fall II along forested, unpaved paths of the Palos Trail System - Region 7, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration may be open until November 8th -or- when 175 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race weekend? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report, complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

Race: Logo Community Racing Fans...
* November 3rd, 2024... Elmwood Park, IL: They're racing the cross country course at Elmwood Park High School in the third running of Operation Snowball Shuffle "Healthy Heart, Happy Start" 5K Family Run/Walk, hosted by Elmwood Park High School "aimed at mental health awareness and education in our schools and communities." Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time.

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* November 2nd, 2024... Foster Ave Beach House - Chicago, IL: It's race day for the 25th annual fall version of Chicago Lakefront 50/50 Ultramarathons, run along scenic paths of Chicago's Lakefront Trail. Registration is open until October 31st -or- if/when available spots are filled. Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress in near-real time through our Webcast and Results.

[logo: IHSA 2A Boys and Girls XC Regional] Cross Country Fans...
* October 26th, 2024... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race morning for the IHSA Class 2A Cross Country Regional Meet on the campus of Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time, upon review and certification. Racing starts at 10:00 am CDT. Click for a video playlist of Chicagoland High School Cross Country YouTube RunRace Network.

[logo: Elmwood Park High School Cross Country] Cross Country Fans...
* October 12th, 2024... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race morning for the 35th Annual Elmwood Park Cross Country Tiger Invite on the campus of Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 9:00 am CDT. Click for a video coverage of 35th Annual Elmwood Park H.S. Cross Country Tiger Invite on our YouTube RunRace Network.

Race: Logo Cross Country Fans...
* September 21st, 2024... Indian Gardens, Riverside, IL: It's the Riverside Brookfield High School 64th Annual Cross Country Invitational. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time!  Click for a video coverage of Riverside Brookfield High School 64th Annual Cross Country Invitational on our YouTube RunRace Network.

Race: Logo Track & Field Fans...
* September 12th, 2024... Norwood Park, Chicago: It's old-school Track & Field open to all comers at this Riis Park / Dick Pond Track Meet, featuring running and field events at the track of Norwood Park. Complimentary Registration, Webcast, and Results as contested and available.

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* August 31st - September 1st, 2024... Lapham Peak State Park, WI: It's race weekend for the Badgerland Striders 24-12-6 Hour Runs featuring events of 24-hour solo, 12-hour solo, 6-hour solo on a 1-mile loop trail racecourse. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints as participants circle their trail loop. Events begin at 8:00 am on Saturday, and we'll post Results when "the clock ticks down to zero" for each distance.

Race: Logo Cross Country Fans...
* August 28th, 2024... Elmwood Park, IL: It's the 10th Annual Elmwood Park Cross Country Trial on the Trail. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time!  Click for video coverage of 2024 10th Annual Trial on the Trail at our YouTube RunRace Network.

Race: Logo Trail Lizards...
* August 24th, 2024... Morton Grove, IL: Join up for primordial running, through forested trail and over green fields, full of fun and adventure but void of pavement at our 11th Annual Terra Sans Pave Trail Runs, near the the North Branch Trail system of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Our eleventh-year race features traditional event distances of 4-Kilometer, 8-Kilometer, Big Lizard 10-Mile, and our Terathlon 8-Hour option for ultra-trail runners. Registration is open until 5:00 pm August 23rd, or once 150-runner maximum capacity is met. Can't join us on race weekend? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report with a gallery of photos from the trails.  Click for video coverage 2024 Terra Sans Pave on YouTube. Terra Sans Pave... trail running bliss!

Race: Logo Lunar Racing Fans...
* July 24th, 2024... Norwood Park, IL: It's our Thirteenth Annual Chicago Full Moon Run 5-Km and 1-Mile Lunar Orbit Run/Walk with a return to the friendly streets of Norwood Park. Yep... we'll be racing in the streets under the full moon out among cicadas, crickets, and other creatures of the night. Our racecourse has been described as "fast," and "the most interesting 5-km in the city." Race time is just before sunset and the entire course will be illuminated by the full moon and city street lights. For 2024 we're offering a prize purse of $300 for top 5-Km performances, and special team awards for fastest clubs and schools!  Afterwards, join us at Mystic Rogue Irish Pub for refreshments, Chicago Full Moon Run awards, and a post-race celebration that's "second to none." Online Registration is open until 10:00 am CDT on race day. We'll have limited onsite registration from 6:00 -to- 7:00 pm, but cannot guarantee shirt size availability. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Like race coverage? Click for our Run Report along with photos of the action!  Click for full video coverage of Thirteenth Annual Chicago Full Moon Run!

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* July 12th - 13th, 2024... Chillicothe, IL: It's race weekend for Cry Me A River! Trail Runs featuring events of 100-mile solo, 100-kilometer solo, 50-kilometer solo, and Half Marathon. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Cry Me A River Webcast and Results where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions. CMaR 100 Mile runners begin at noon on Friday with 36 hours to make their finish line. CMaR 100 Kilometer runners begin at 8:00 pm with 28 hours to make their finish.  50 Kilometer and Half Marathon runners start at 8:00 am on Saturday morning.

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* June 9th, 2024... River Grove, IL: They're racing the roads of River Grove in the ninth annual River Grove Police FOP 5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 8:30 am, near the intersection of Fullerton Avenue and River Road. The River Grove Police FOP Lodge #59 is a non for profit organization, which donates all proceeds back to the community through schools, PTA's, Little Leagues, and other charitable organizations.

Race: Logo Community Racing Fans...
* April 27th, 2024... Aurora, IL: They're racing the wreckbag course at Oakhurst Forest Preserve in the annual SAO Team Wreckbag Race, with its focus on team work. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time.

Race: Logo Lakefront Distance Running Fans...
* March 30th, 2024... Jackson Park - Chicago, IL: It's race day for the 24th annual spring version of Chicago Lakefront Ultras - George Cheung Memorial Race along Chicago's Lakefront Trail paved path. Back by popular demand we're offering ultra-aspirational event options of a competitive Half Marathon, and a fully supported 20.7 Mile Buildup Run. Race Registration is open until Noon, March 28th -or- when 200 available spots are filled. Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report complete with a gallery of photos!

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* March 23rd, 2024... Willow Springs, IL: Journey back in time for our twelfth annual spring version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Ordovician Spring II along forested, unpaved paths of the Palos Trail System - Region 6, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration may be open until March 22nd -or- when 180 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race weekend? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report, complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

Race: Logo Winter Harriers...
January 14th, 2024... Chicago, IL: Get your winter-teammates, grab your racing shoes/spikes, and join us for Winter Challenge Cross Country VI racing over the tree-lined groves of Caldwell Woods and Bunker Hill forest preserves. Our sixth annual race features event distances of 5 kilometers, 15 kilometers, and ultra attractive Gratuitous Six-Hour Run. Registration is open until 6:00 pm, Saturday (race eve). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our 2024 Run Report with a gallery of photos. Cross country... the best of all human endeavors!

Race: Logo Winter Endurance Fans...
* January 13, 2024... Chillicothe, IL: It's race day for the annual running of Chillbilly Endurance Events, featuring time durations of 2 Hours, and 8 Hours. Check out Chillbilly Results with runner mileage, as provided by RD Jenna Bahaj.

[logo: Ice Age Trail 50]Ice Age Trail Runners...
Race date for events of the 42nd Annual Ice Age Trail 50 is Saturday May 11th, 2024. December is first-phase Registration month.  Afterward, interested runners may sign up on the Ice Age Trail Wait List. Find out more and view 2024 Ice Age Trail Race Detail. Check out our Ice Age Trail 50 Group for galleries of photo albums as posted by John Zinzow (ultrarunner and past RD of IAT 50).

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* November 11th, 2023... Palos Park, IL: Journey back in time for our eleventh annual fall version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Carboniferous Fall II along forested, unpaved paths of the Palos Trail System - Region 7, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration may be open until November 10th -or- when 175 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race weekend? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report, complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

Race: Logo Community Racing Fans...
* October 29th, 2023... Elmwood Park, IL: They're racing the cross country course at Elmwood Park High School in the second Operation Snowball Shuffle "Mindful Miles" 5K Family Run/Walk, hosted by Elmwood Park High School for the benefit of mental health awareness and education in our schools and communities. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time.

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* October 28th, 2023... Foster Beach House - Chicago, IL: It's race day for the 24th annual fall version of Chicago Lakefront 50/50 Ultramarathons along Chicago's Lakefront Trail path. Registration is open until October 26th -or- if/when available spots are filled. Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report complete with a gallery of photos, and a link to a gallery of even more photos!

[logo: Elmwood Park High School Cross Country] Cross Country Fans...
* October 7th, 2023... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race morning for the 34th Annual Elmwood Park Cross Country Tiger Invite on the campus of Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 9:00 am CDT.

Race: Logo Cross Country Fans...
* September 16th, 2023... Indian Gardens, Riverside, IL: It's the Riverside Brookfield High School 63rd Annual Cross Country Invitational. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time!  Click for a video playlist of Chicagoland High School Cross Country YouTube RunRace Network.

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* September 2nd - 3rd, 2023... Lapham Peak State Park, WI: It's race weekend for the Badgerland Striders 24-12-6 Hour Runs featuring events of 24-hour solo, 12-hour solo, 6-hour solo on a 1-mile loop trail racecourse. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints as participants circle their trail loop. Events begin at 8:00 am on Saturday, and we'll post Results when "the clock ticks down to zero" for each distance.

Race: Logo Cross Country Fans...
* August 29th, 2023... Elmwood Park, IL: It's the 9th Annual Elmwood Park Cross Country Trial on the Trail. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time!

Race: Logo Trail Lizards...
* August 26th, 2023... Morton Grove, IL: Join up for primordial running, through forested trail and over green fields, full of fun and adventure but void of pavement at our 10th Annual Terra Sans Pave Trail Runs, near the the North Branch Trail system of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Our tenth-year race features traditional event distances of 4-Kilometer, 8-Kilometer, Big Lizard 10-Mile, and our Terathlon 8-Hour option for ultra-trail runners. Registration is open until 5:00 pm August 25th, or once 150-runner maximum capacity is met. Can't join us on race weekend? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report with a gallery of photos from the trails. Terra Sans Pave... trail running bliss!

Race: Logo Lunar Racing Fans...
* August 2nd, 2023... Norwood Park, IL: It's our Twelfth Annual Chicago Full Moon Run 5-Km and 1-Mile Lunar Orbit Run/Walk with a return to the friendly streets of Norwood Park. Yep... we'll be racing in the streets under the full moon out among cicadas, crickets, and other creatures of the night. Our racecourse has been described as "fast," and "the most interesting 5-km in the city." Race time is just before sunset and the entire course will be illuminated by the full moon and city street lights. For 2023 we're offering a prize purse of $300 for top 5-Km performances, and special team awards for fastest clubs and schools!  Afterwards, join us at Mystic Rogue Irish Pub for refreshments, Chicago Full Moon Run awards, and a post-race celebration that's "second to none." Online Registration is open until 10:00 am CDT on race day. We'll have limited onsite registration from 6:00 -to- 7:00 pm, but cannot guarantee shirt size availability. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Like race coverage?  Click for our Run Report along with photos of the action!

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* July 7th - 8th, 2023... Chillicothe, IL: It's race weekend for Cry Me A River! Trail Runs featuring events of 100-mile solo, 100-kilometer solo, 50-kilometer solo, and Half Marathon. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Cry Me A River Webcast and Results where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions. CMaR 100 Mile runners begin at noon on Friday with 36 hours to make their finish line. CMaR 100 Kilometer runners begin at 8:00 pm with 28 hours to make their finish.  50 Kilometer and Half Marathon runners start at 8:00 am on Saturday morning.

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* June 4th, 2023... River Grove, IL: They're racing the roads of River Grove in the eighth annual River Grove Police FOP 5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 8:30 am, near the intersection of Fullerton Avenue and River Road. The River Grove Police FOP Lodge #59 is a non for profit organization, which donates all proceeds back to the community through schools, PTA's, Little Leagues, and other charitable organizations.

[logo: Rock River Leisure Estates] Race Fans...
* May 28th, 2023... Edgerton, WI: It's race morning for the Rock River Leisure Estates 5K on the grounds of Rock River Leisure Estates. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 8:00 am CDT.

Race: Logo Lakefront Distance Running Fans...
* March 25th, 2023... Jackson Park - Chicago, IL: It's race day for the 23rd annual spring version of Chicago Lakefront 50K Ultramarathons along Chicago's Lakefront Trail paved path. This year we're introducing ultra-aspirational event options of a competitive Half Marathon, and a fully supported 20.7 Mile Buildup Run. Registration is open until March 23rd -or- when 150 available spots are filled. Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time.

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* March 18th, 2023... Willow Springs, IL: Journey back in time for our eleventh annual spring version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Devonian Spring II along forested, unpaved paths of the Palos Trail System - Region 6, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration may be open until March 17th -or- when 150 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race weekend? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report, complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

Race: Logo Winter Endurance Fans...
* January 14, 2023... Chillicothe, IL: It's race day for the annual running of Chillbilly Endurance Events, featuring time durations of 2 Hours, and 8 Hours.  Check out this Run Report with full results and runner mileage, as provided by RD Jenna Bahaj.

Race: Logo Winter Harriers...
January 8th, 2023... Chicago, IL: Get your winter-teammates, grab your racing shoes/spikes, and join us for Winter Challenge Cross Country V racing over the tree-lined groves of Caldwell Woods and Bunker Hill forest preserves. Our fifth annual race features event distances of 5 kilometers, 15 kilometers, and our Gratuitous Six-Hour Run. Registration is open until 6:00 pm, Saturday (race eve). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our 2023 Run Report with a gallery of photos. Cross country... the best of all human endeavors!
[logo: Ice Age Trail 50]Ice Age Trail Runners...
Race date for events of the 41st Annual Ice Age Trail 50 is Saturday May 13th, 2023. December is first-phase registration month.  Afterward, interested runners may sign up on the Ice Age Trail Wait List. Find out more and view 2023 Ice Age Trail Race Detail. Check out our Ice Age Trail 50 Group for galleries of photo albums as posted by John Zinzow (ultrarunner and past RD of IAT 50).

Race: Logo Indoor Track Fans...
* December 4th, 2022... Pettit National Ice Center, WI: It's race day for the Badgerland Striders Strider PR (Pettit Races) featuring the events 5K Race and One Hour Race on the oversized indoor running track. Keep up with the action and follow your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating lap-checkpoints as participants circle the oval. Events are scheduled at 7:45 am for the 5K Race, and 9:00 am for the One Hour Race. Click for Results for each event as runners make their finish.

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* November 12th, 2022... Palos Park, IL: Journey back in time for our tenth annual fall version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Permian Fall II along forested, unpaved paths of the Palos Trail System - Region 7, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration may be open until November 11th -or- when 150 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race weekend? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report, complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* October 29th, 2022... Foster Beach House - Chicago, IL: It's race day for the 23rd annual fall version of Chicago Lakefront 50/50 Ultramarathons along Chicago's Lakefront Trail path. Registration is open until October 27th -or- if/when available spots are filled. Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report complete with a gallery of photos!

[logo: Metro Suburban Conference - Blue/Red Division XC] Cross Country Fans...
* October 15th, 2022... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race morning for the Metro Suburban Conference – Blue/Red Divisions – Cross Country Championship on the campus of Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 10:00 am CDT. Click for a video playlist of Chicagoland High School Cross Country YouTube RunRace Network.

[logo: Elmwood Park High School Cross Country] Cross Country Fans...
* October 8th, 2022... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race morning for the 33rd Annual Elmwood Park Cross Country Tiger Invite on the campus of Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 9:00 am CDT.  Click for a video playlist of Chicagoland High School Cross Country YouTube RunRace Network.

Race: Logo Cross Country Fans...
* September 17th, 2022... Indian Gardens, Riverside, IL: It's the Riverside Brookfield High School 62nd Annual Cross Country Invitational. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time!  Click for a video playlist of Chicagoland High School Cross Country YouTube RunRace Network.

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* September 3th - 4th, 2022... Lapham Peak State Park, WI: It's race weekend for the Badgerland Striders 24-12-6 Hour Runs featuring events of 24-hour solo, 12-hour solo, 6-hour solo on a 1-mile loop trail racecourse. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints as participants circle their trail loop. Events begin at 8:00 am on Saturday, and we'll post Results when "the clock ticks down to zero" for each distance. Click for a video playlist of BLS 24-12-6 YouTube RunRace Network.

Race: Logo Trail Lizards...
* August 27th, 2022... Morton Grove, IL: Join up for primordial running, through forested trail and over green fields, full of fun and adventure but void of pavement at our 9th Annual Terra Sans Pave Trail Runs, near the the North Branch Trail system of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Our ninth-year race features traditional event distances of 4-Kilometer, 8-Kilometer, Big Lizard 10-Mile, and our Terathlon 8-Hour option for ultra-trail runners. Registration is open until 5:00 pm August 27th, or once 100-runner maximum capacity is met. Can't join us on race weekend? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report with a gallery of photos from the trails.  Click for a video playlist of Terra Sans Pave YouTube RunRace Network. Terra Sans Pave... trail running bliss!

Race: Logo Cross Country Fans...
* August 24th, 2022... Elmwood Park, IL: It's the 8th Annual Elmwood Park Cross Country Trial on the Trail. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time!  Click for a video playlist of Chicagoland High School Cross Country YouTube RunRace Network.

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* August 6th, 2022... Matteson, IL: They're racing the roads around the Matteson Community Center for this summer's Running To The Beat - 8K Run & 1.4 Mile Walk :: Tri-Masters Sports Initiative Programs. Click for Race Registration. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. The 8K Run race start is 8:30 am, from the track at the Community Center. Click for our Run Report along with photos of the action!

Race: Logo Lunar Racing Fans...
* July 13th, 2022... Norwood Park, IL: It's our Eleventh Annual Chicago Full Moon Run 5-Km and 1-Mile Lunar Orbit Run/Walk with a return to the friendly streets of Norwood Park. Yep... we'll be racing in the streets under the full moon out among cicadas, crickets, and other creatures of the night. Our racecourse has been described as "fast," and "the most interesting 5-km in the city." Race time is just before sunset and the entire course will be illuminated by the full moon and city street lights. For 2022 we're offering a prize purse of $300 for top 5-Km performances, and special team awards for fastest clubs and schools!  Afterwards, join us at Mystic Rogue Irish Pub for refreshments, Chicago Full Moon Run awards, and a post-race celebration that's "second to none." Online Registration is open until 10:00 am CDT on race day. We'll have limited onsite registration from 6:00 -to- 7:00 pm, but cannot guarantee shirt size availability. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Like race coverage?  Click for our Run Report along with photos of the action!

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* July 8th - 9th, 2022... Chillicothe, IL: It's race weekend for Cry Me A River! Trail Runs featuring events of 100-mile solo, 100-kilometer solo, 50-kilometer solo, and Half Marathon. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Cry Me A River Webcast and Results where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions. CMaR 100 Mile runners begin at noon on Friday with 36 hours to make their finish line. CMaR 100 Kilometer runners begin at 8:00 pm with 28 hours to make their finish.  50 Kilometer and Half Marathon runners start at 8:00 am on Saturday morning.

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* June 5th, 2022... River Grove, IL: They're racing the roads of River Grove in the eighth annual River Grove Police FOP 5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 8:30 am, near the intersection of Fullerton Avenue and River Road. The River Grove Police FOP Lodge #59 is a non for profit organization, which donates all proceeds back to the community through schools, PTA's, Little Leagues, and other charitable organizations.

[logo: Rock River Leisure Estates] Race Fans...
* May 29th, 2022... Edgerton, WI: It's race morning for the Rock River Leisure Estates 5K on the grounds of Rock River Leisure Estates. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 8:00 am CDT.

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* March 26th, 2022... Jackson Park - Chicago, IL: It's race day for the 22nd annual spring version of Chicago Lakefront 50K Ultramarathons along Chicago’s Lakefront Trail paved path. Registration is open until March 25th -or- when 100 available spots are filled (COVID-19 restrictions in place). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report complete with a gallery of photos!

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* March 19th, 2022... Willow Springs, IL: Journey back in time for our tenth annual spring version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Carboniferous Spring II along forested, unpaved paths of the Palos Trail System - Region 6, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration may be open until March 18th -or- when 150 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race weekend? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report, complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

Race: Logo Winter Endurance Fans...
* January 15, 2022... Chillicothe, IL: It's race day for the annual running of Chillbilly Endurance Events, featuring time durations of 2 Hours, and 8 Hours.  Check out Race Results as scored and provided by RD Jenna Bahaj.

Race: Logo Winter Harriers...
January 9th, 2022... Chicago, IL: Get your winter-teammates, grab your racing shoes/spikes, and join us for Winter Challenge Cross Country IV racing over the tree-lined groves of Caldwell Woods and Bunker Hill forest preserves. Our fourth annual race features event distances of 5 kilometers, 15 kilometers, and our Gratuitous Six-Hour Run. Registration is open until 6:00 pm, Saturday (race eve). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our 2022 Run Report with a gallery of photos. Cross country... the best of all human endeavors!

[logo: Ice Age Trail 50]Ice Age Trail Runners...
Race date for events of the 40th Annual Ice Age Trail 50 is Saturday May 14th, 2022. December is registration month under the following schedule:
* General registration, open to all runners for events of the 2022 Ice Age Trail 50 will be available on Sunday December 19th, opening at 12:00 Noon CST for the IAT 50 Mile, 3:00pm CST for the IAT 50 Kilometer, 6:00pm CST for the Half Marathon.
Check out our Ice Age Trail 50 Group for galleries of photo albums as posted by John Zinzow (ultrarunner and past RD of IAT 50).

Race: Logo Indoor Track Fans...
* December 5th, 2021... Pettit National Ice Center, WI: It's race day for the Badgerland Striders Strider PR (Pettit Races) featuring the events 5K Race and One Hour Race on the oversized indoor running track. Keep up with the action and follow your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating lap-checkpoints as participants circle the oval. Events are scheduled at 7:45 am for the 5K Race, and 9:00 am for the One Hour Race. Click for Results for each event as runners make their finish.

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* November 13th, 2021... Willow Springs, IL: Journey back in time for our ninth annual fall version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Devonian Fall II along forested, unpaved paths of the Palos Trail System - Region 6, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration may be open until November 10th -or- when 130 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race weekend? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report, complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* October 30th, 2021... Foster Beach House - Chicago, IL: It's race day for the 22nd annual fall version of Chicago Lakefront 50/50 Ultramarathons along Chicago’s Lakefront Trail paved path. Registration is open until October 28th -or- if/when available spots are filled (COVID-19 restrictions in place). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report complete with a gallery of photos, and a link to a gallery of even more photos!

[logo: Oil Creek 100 Trail Runs] Ultra Trail Runners...
* October 16th - 17th, 2021... Titusville, PA: It's race weekend for the Oil Creek 100 Trail Runs on the trails of Oil Creek State Park. Check out Race Results which have been published for each finisher. Wild & tough 1860's oil boom era policies... "Strike oil or move on!"

[logo: Metro Suburban Conference - Blue/Red Division XC] Cross Country Fans...
* October 16th, 2021... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race morning for the Metro Suburban Conference – Blue/Red Divisions – Cross Country Championship on the campus of Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 10:00 am CDT.

[logo: Elmwood Park High School Cross Country] Cross Country Fans...
* October 9th, 2021... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race morning for the 32nd Annual Elmwood Park Cross Country Tiger Invite on the campus of Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 9:00 am CDT.

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* October 2nd - 3rd, 2021... Hennepin Canal Trail, IL: It's race weekend for the Hennepin Hundred featuring events of 100-mile solo, 50-mile solo, 100-mile relay, 50-kilometer solo. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Hennepin Hundred Webcast and Hennepin Hundred Results where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions.

Race: Logo Cross Country Fans...
* September 18th, 2021... Indian Gardens, Riverside, IL: It's the Riverside Brookfield High School 61st Annual Cross Country Invitational. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time!

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* September 4th - 5th, 2021... Lapham Peak State Park, WI: It's race weekend for the Badgerland Striders 24-12-6 Hour Runs featuring events of 24-hour solo, 12-hour solo, 6-hour solo on a 1-mile loop trail racecourse. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints as participants circle their trail loop. Events begin at 8:00 am on Saturday, and we'll post Results when "the clock ticks down to zero" for each distance. Click for our Run Report with action photos from Lapham Peak State Park.

Race: Logo Trail Lizards...
* August 28th, 2021... Morton Grove, IL: Join up for primordial running, through forested trail and over green fields, full of fun and adventure but void of pavement at our 8th Annual Terra Sans Pave Trail Runs, near the the North Branch Trail system of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Our eighth-year race features traditional event distances of 8-Kilometer, Big Lizard 10-Mile, and our Terathlon 8-Hour option for ultra-trail runners. Registration is open until 5:00 pm August 27th, or once 100-runner maximum capacity is met. Can't join us on race weekend? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report with a gallery of photos from the trails. Terra Sans Pave... trail running bliss!

Race: Logo Cross Country Fans...
* August 25th, 2021... Elmwood Park, IL: It's the 7th Annual Elmwood Park Cross Country Trial on the Trail. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time!

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* August 7th, 2021... Matteson, IL: They're racing the roads around the Matteson Community Center in the 30th Reunion 8K Run & 1.4 Mile Walk - Tri-Masters Sports Initiative Programs. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 8:00 am, from the track at the Community Center.

Race: Logo Lunar Racing Fans...
* July 21st, 2021... Bunker Hill / Chicago, IL: It's our Tenth Annual Chicago Full Moon Run 5-Km and 1-Mile Lunar Orbit Run/Walk. This summer we'll be racing cross-country style on a 5-kilometer grass loop that scenically winds the tree-lined groves of Bunker Hill and Caldwell Woods. With a maximum of 100 runners we've consolidated to one day of racing, Wednesday July 21st, with flexible wave starting times to provide ample social distancing. Online Registration is open until Wednesday July 21st - 12:00 noon CDT. If spaces are available... we'll have limited onsite registration from 3:00 -to- 6:00 pm, but cannot guarantee shirt size availability. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Like race coverage?  Click for our Run Report along with photos from the picturesque racecourse!

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* July 9th - 11th, 2021... Chillicothe, IL: It's a return to race weekend for Cry Me A River! Trail Runs featuring events of 100-mile solo, 100-kilometer solo, 50-kilometer solo, and Half Marathon. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Cry Me A River Webcast and Results where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions. CMaR 100 Mile runners begin at noon on Friday, with 36 hours to make their finish line!

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* June 12th - 13th, 2021... La Grange, WI: It's a return to race weekend for the Kettle Moraine Endurance Races featuring events of 100-mile solo, 100-kilometer solo, 100-mile relay, 50-kilometer solo, and 38-mile solo fun run. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Kettle Webcast and Results where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions.

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* June 6th, 2021... River Grove, IL: They're racing the roads of River Grove in the seventh annual River Grove Police FOP 5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 8:30 am, near the intersection of Fullerton Avenue and River Road. The River Grove Police FOP Lodge #59 is a non for profit organization, which donates all proceeds back to the community through schools, PTA's, Little Leagues, and other charitable organizations.

Race: Logo Community Racing Fans...
* June 5th, 2021... Chicago, IL: They're racing for peace and community charity at La Villita Park in the inaugural Carrera por la Paz, hosted by Little Village Rotary Club. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time.

[logo: Rock River Leisure Estates] Race Fans...
* May 30th, 2021... Edgerton, WI: It's race morning for the Rock River Leisure Estates 5K on the grounds of Rock River Leisure Estates. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 8:00 am CDT.

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* March 27th, 2021... Jackson Park - Chicago, IL: It's race day for the 21st annual spring version of Chicago Lakefront 50K Ultramarathons along Chicago’s Lakefront Trail paved path. Registration is open until March 26th -or- when 100 available spots are filled (COVID-19 restrictions in place). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report complete with a gallery of photos!

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* March 19th, 20th, 21st 2021... Willow Springs, IL: Journey back in time for our ninth annual spring version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Silurian Spring II along forested, unpaved paths of the Palos Trail System - Region 6, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration is open until March 18th -or- when 150 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race weekend? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report, complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!
Mar 18th... a few spots have become available for Friday or Sunday racing. Interested? Click for Registration and check availability!

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* November 13th, 14th, 15th 2020... Willow Springs, IL: Journey back in time for our eighth annual fall version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Ordovician Fall II along forested, unpaved paths of the Palos Trail System - Region 6, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration is open until November 12th -or- when 150 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race weekend? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report, complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* September 5th - 6th, 2020... Lapham Peak State Park, WI: It's race weekend for the Badgerland Striders 24-12-6 Hour Runs featuring events of 24-hour solo, 12-hour solo, 6-hour solo on a 1-mile loop trail racecourse. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints as participants circle their trail loop. Events begin at 8:00 am on Saturday, and we'll post Results when "the clock ticks down to zero" for each distance. Click for our Run Report with action photos from Lapham Peak State Park.

Race: Logo Trail Lizards...
* August 29th & 30th, 2020... Morton Grove, IL: Join up for primordial running, through forested trail and over green fields, full of fun and adventure but void of pavement at our 7th Annual Terra Sans Pave Trail Runs, near the the North Branch Trail system of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Our seventh-year race features traditional event distances of 8-Kilometer, Big Lizard 10-Mile, and our Terathlon 8-Hour option for ultra-trail runners. Registration is open until 6:00 pm August 28th, or once 50-runner-per-day maximum capacities are met. If spots are available... we may have Sunday morning limited onsite registration until 8:30 am, but cannot guarantee shirt size availability. Can't join us on race weekend? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report with a gallery of photos from the trails. Terra Sans Pave... trail running bliss!

Race: Logo Lunar Racing Fans...
* August 4th & 5th, 2020... Bunker Hill / Chicago, IL: It's our Ninth Annual Chicago Full Moon Run 5-Km and 1-Mile Lunar Orbit Run/Walk. This summer we'll be racing cross-country style on a 5-kilometer grass loop that scenically winds the tree-lined groves of Bunker Hill and Caldwell Woods. With a maximum of 50 runners per day we've set up two days of racing, Tuesday and Wednesday August 4th and 5th, with flexible wave starting times to provide ample social distancing. Online Registration is open until Wednesday August 5th - 10:00 am CDT. If spaces are available... we'll have limited onsite registration from 4:00 -to- 6:00 pm, but cannot guarantee shirt size availability. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time.  Like race coverage?  Click for our Run Report along with photos of the action!

Race: Logo Virtual Running Fans...
* March 28th - May 31st, 2020... Anywhere, you choose: Join ultra-marathon runner, Cassie Kottke "in the spirit of all things that suck in the world, let's add to our suffering together (but separate) by running a 5k by ourselves in the worst place you can think of!  Get registered, plan your route, and challenge your friends.  Run your event anytime between March 28th, 2020 and May 31st, 2020.  Awards for top 'Worst 5k Ever' entrants picked by an esteemed panel of judges.  100% of all proceeds will be donated to a small business or family in need!

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* March 21st, 2020... Willow Springs, IL: Journey back in time for our eighth annual spring version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Cambrian Spring II along forested, unpaved paths of the Palos Trail System - Region 6, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration is open until March 20th -or- when 200 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Due to the crisis and threat of spreading Coronavirus our springtime version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Cambrian Spring II was postponed. In its place we encouraged runners to take part in our Paleozoic Sidelined Runners Virtual Challenge, and send in their results. Wow... so many inspirational solo and small-group runs.  Check out self-reporting results in our Run Report, complete with runner-provided action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

Race: Logo Winter Harriers...
January 12th, 2020... Chicago, IL: Get your winter-teammates, grab your racing shoes/spikes, and join us for Winter Challenge Cross Country III racing over the tree-lined groves of Caldwell Woods and Bunker Hill forest preserves. Our third annual race features event distances of 5 kilometers, 15 kilometers, and our Gratuitous Six-Hour Run. Registration is open until 6:00 pm, Saturday (race eve). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report with a gallery of photos. Cross country... the best of all human endeavors!

Race: Logo Winter Endurance Fans...
* January 11, 2020... Chillicothe, IL: It's race day for the annual running of Chillbilly Endurance Events, featuring time durations of 2 Hours, and 8 Hours.  Check out Race Results as scored and provided by RD Jenna Bahaj.

[logo: Ice Age Trail 50]Ice Age Trail Runners...
* December 15, 2019... General registration for events of the 2020 Ice Age Trail 50 will open Sunday, December 15th, under the schedule:
Noon CST :: Ice Age Trail 50 Mile
3:00 pm CST :: Ice Age Trail 50 Kilometer
6:00 pm CST :: Ice Age Trail Half Marathon
Your patience is requested as the rush for registration can unduly stress web services. We've implemented a number of changes to relieve congestion and improve the registration process including increasing capacity for all three events. However, if you are unable to complete your registration when the time comes, don't panic! If you're not able to register due to processing delays, simply email the Race Director IMMEDIATELY and you'll be guaranteed an entry. Once event capacities are met, we cannot accept additional entries.
- Jeff Mallach, Race Director
Check out our Ice Age Trail 50 Group for galleries of photo albums as posted by John Zinzow (ultrarunner and past RD of IAT 50).

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* November 9th, 2019... Palos Park, IL: Journey back in time for our seventh annual fall version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Cambrian Fall II along forested, unpaved paths of the Sag Valley Trail System - Region 7, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration is open until November 8th -or- when 150 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report, complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

logo: Pairing Up to Beat Lung Cancer 5k / 1M Racing Fans...
* November 2nd, 2019... Palatine, IL: It's the third annual running of Pairing Up to Beat Lung Cancer 5K/1Mile Run/Walk, directed by Juli and Valdis Aistars. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. The 5K race starts at 8:30 am near the Midtown Athletic Club. In addition to overall awards, runners may "pair up" with a teammate to compete within team categories!

Race: Logo Community Racing Fans...
* October 27th, 2019... Northlake, IL: They're racing the cross country course at Centerpointe Preserve in the inaugural Operation Snowball "Find Your Anchor" 5K Family Run/Walk, co-hosted by East Leyden and Elmwood Park Operation Snowball Chapters. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time.

[logo: IHSA 2A Boys and Girls XC Regional] Cross Country Fans...
* October 26th, 2019... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race morning for the 2019 IHSA 2A Boys and Girls Cross Country Regional Meet on the campus of Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 10:00 am CDT.

[logo: Metro Suburban Conference - Blue/Red Division XC] Cross Country Fans...
* October 19th, 2019... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race morning for the Metro Suburban Conference – Blue/Red Divisions – Cross Country Championship on the campus of Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 10:00 am CDT.

[logo: Elmwood Park High School Cross Country] Cross Country Fans...
* October 12th, 2019... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race morning for the 30th Annual Elmwood Park Cross Country Tiger Invite on the campus of Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 9:00 am CDT.

Race: Logo Evening Race Fans...
* September 22nd, 2019... Arlington Heights, IL: It's race time at Arlington International Racecourse for the annual Starry Night 5K charity run. The evening will feature a 5-Km run, and 1-mile walk with its common finish on the racetrack, broadcast on the jumbotron!  Fundraising to benefit the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation with post-race activities of a lantern lighting and local entertainment.  Check out Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time from the scorer's booth, trackside at the finish line.

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* September 7th, 2019... Chicago, IL: They're racing in Portage Park in the second annual Victory Run 5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 8:00 am, near the northeast corner of Portage Park.

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* August 31st - September 1st, 2019... Lapham Peak State Park, WI: It's race weekend for the Badgerland Striders 24-12-6 Hour Runs featuring events of 24-hour solo, 12-hour solo, 6-hour solo on a 1-mile loop trail racecourse. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints as participants circle their trail loop. Events begin at 8:00 am on Saturday, and we'll post Results when "the clock ticks down to zero" for each distance.

Race: Logo Cross Country Fans...
* August 28th, 2019... Elmwood Park, IL: It's the 5th Annual Elmwood Park Cross Country Trial on the Trail. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time!

Race: Logo Trail Lizards...
* August 24th, 2019... Morton Grove, IL: Join up for primordial running, through forested trail and over green fields, full of fun and adventure but void of pavement at our 6th Annual Terra Sans Pave - Linne Woods, near the the North Branch Trail system of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Our sixth-year race features traditional event distances of 4-Kilometer, 8-Kilometer, and our Big Lizard 10-Mile runs. Returning for 2019... our Terathlon 8-Hour option for ultra-trail runners. Registration is open until noon, on August 23rd. Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report with a gallery of photos from the trails. Terra Sans Pave... trail running bliss!

Race: Logo Trail Running Fans...
* August 3rd-4th, 2019... Belleville, WI: It's race weekend for the inaugural Badger Trail Races featuring events of 100 Miles, 100 Kilometers, 50 Miles, 50 Kilometers, Marathon, and Half Marathon. The 100M & 100k start on Saturday in Orangeville, IL. The 50M, 50k, Marathon, and Half Marathon start on Sunday in Belleville, WI. Events make use of the Badger Trail and the Jane Addams Trail. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints as participants advance along their racecourse. We'll be posting Results as runners make their finish. Click for our Run Report with a small gallery of photos from Sunday's festivities.

Race: Logo Lunar Racing Fans...
* July 17th, 2019... Norwood Park, IL: It's our Eighth Annual Chicago Full Moon Run 5-Km and 1-Mile Lunar Orbit Run/Walk. Yep... we'll be racing in the streets under the full moon out among cicadas, crickets, and other creatures of the night. Our racecourse has been described as "fast," and "the most interesting 5-km in the city." Race time is just before sunset and the entire course will be illuminated by the full moon and city street lights. For 2019 we're offering a prize purse of $300 for top 5-Km performances, and special team awards for fastest clubs and schools!  Afterwards, join us at Mo Dailey's Pub & Grille for refreshments, Chicago Full Moon Run awards, and a post-race celebration that's "second to none." Online Registration is open until 10:00 am CDT on race day. We'll have limited onsite registration from 6:00 -to- 7:00 pm, but cannot guarantee shirt size availability. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Like race coverage?  Click for our Run Report along with photos of the action!

Race: Logo Trail Running Fans...
* July 6th, 2019... Peoria, IL: It's race day for the fifth annual running of Cry Me A River! Trail Runs, featuring distances of 100 Miles, 100 Kilometers, 50 Kilometers, and Half Marathon.  Check out Race Results as scored and provided by ShaZam Racing.

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* June 29th, 2019... Green Bay, WI: It's race weekend for the Titletown Ultra Series featuring events of 6 Hour Ultra Marathon, 8 Hour Ultra Marathon, and 15½ Hour Summer Solstice Challenge. The racecourse is a 4¾-mile trail that loops the around University of Wisconsin Green Bay campus. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints as participants advance through the hours. Racing begins at 5:10 am and we'll post Results when "the clock ticks down to zero" for each distance.

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* June 9th, 2019... River Grove, IL: They're racing the roads of River Grove in the sixth annual River Grove Police FOP 5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 8:30 am, near the intersection of Fullerton Avenue and River Road. The River Grove Police FOP Lodge #59 is a non for profit organization, which donates all proceeds back to the community through schools, PTA's, Little Leagues, and other charitable organizations. Click for our Run Report along with photos of the action!

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* June 1st - 2nd, 2019... La Grange, WI: It's race weekend for the Kettle Moraine Endurance Races featuring events of 100-mile solo, 100-kilometer solo, 100-mile relay, 50-kilometer solo, and 38-mile solo fun run. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Kettle Webcast and Results where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions.

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* March 23rd, 2019... Willow Springs, IL: Journey back in time for our seventh annual spring version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Permian Spring along forested, unpaved paths of the Palos Trail System - Region 6, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration is open until March 22nd -or- when 200 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

Race: Logo Team Racers...
March 16th, 2019... McNabb, IL: Get your marathon-buds together and join forces for "A Great Team Event," as the Starved Rock Runners present 26.2 BY 5 TEAM MARATHON! This second-year race features team members concurrently covering the 5.24-mile scenic racecourse near Putnam Country Junior High School. Registration is open until 6:00 pm, Friday (race eve). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time.

Race: Logo Winter Harriers...
January 13th, 2019... Chicago, IL: Get your winter-teammates, grab your racing shoes/spikes, and join us for Winter Challenge Cross Country II racing over the tree-lined groves of Caldwell Woods and Bunker Hill forest preserves. Our second annual race features event distances of 5 kilometers, 15 kilometers, and our Gratuitous Six-Hour Run. Registration is open until 6:00 pm, Saturday (race eve). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report with photos of race day. Cross country... the best of all human endeavors!

[logo: Ice Age Trail 50]Ice Age Trail Runners...
* December 2, 2018... General registration for events of the 2019 Ice Age Trail 50 will open Sunday, December 2nd, under the schedule:
Noon CST :: Ice Age Trail 50 Mile
3:00 pm CST :: Ice Age Trail 50 Kilometer
6:00 pm CST :: Ice Age Trail Half Marathon
Your patience is requested as the rush for registration can unduly stress web services. We've implemented a number of changes to relieve congestion and improve the registration process including increasing capacity for all three events. However, if you are unable to complete your registration when the time comes, don't panic! If you're not able to register due to processing delays, simply email the Race Director IMMEDIATELY and you'll be guaranteed an entry. Once event capacities are met, we cannot accept additional entries.
- Jeff Mallach, Race Director
Check out our Ice Age Trail 50 Group for galleries of photo albums as posted by John Zinzow (ultrarunner and past RD of IAT 50).

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* November 24th, 2018... Lindenhurst, IL: They're racing the roads in and around Millennium Park for Sharon Makes Us Run 5k. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 11:30 am.  This race is a celebration of Dr. Sharon B Gray's life, and proceeds will be directed to her favorite charities.

[logo: Evanston Running Club]Cross Country Enthusiasts...
* November 11th, 2018... Evanston, IL: They're sharpening spikes and taking to the grass at Canal Shores Golf Course for races of the Illinois Club Cross Country Championship, as hosted by the Evanston Running Club, and directed by John Hennelly. Events of 5-kilometer Women's Masters, Men's Masters, Women's Open, Men's Open, and All-Comers will be contested with team bragging rights on the line. Check out Race Results, which include overall individual, and team scoring.

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* November 10th, 2018... Palos Park, IL: Journey back in time for our sixth annual fall version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Ordovician Fall along forested, unpaved paths of the Sag Valley Trail System - Region 7, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration is open until November 9th -or- when 200 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report, complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

logo: Pairing Up to Beat Lung Cancer 5k / 1M Racing Fans...
* November 3rd, 2018... Palatine, IL: It's the second annual running of Pairing Up to Beat Lung Cancer 5K/1Mile Run/Walk, directed by Juli and Valdis Aistars. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. The 5K race starts at 8:30 am near the Midtown Athletic Club. In addition to overall awards, runners may "pair up" with a teammate to compete within team categories!

[logo: IHSA 2A Boys and Girls XC Regional] Cross Country Fans...
* October 20th, 2018... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race morning for the 2018 IHSA 2A Boys and Girls Cross Country Regional Meet on the campus of Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 9:00 am CDT.

[logo: Metro Suburban Conference - Blue/Red Division XC] Cross Country Fans...
* October 13th, 2018... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race morning for the 2018 Metro Suburban Conference – Blue/Red Divisions – Cross Country Championship on the campus of Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 9:00 am CDT.

[logo: Elmwood Park High School Cross Country] Cross Country Fans...
* October 6th, 2018... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race morning for the 29th Annual Elmwood Park Cross Country Tiger Invite on the campus of Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 9:00 am CDT.

Race: Logo Evening Race Fans...
* September 23rd, 2018... Arlington Heights, IL: It's race time at Arlington International Racecourse for the annual Starry Night 5K charity run. The evening will feature a 5-Km run, and 1-mile walk with its common finish on the racetrack, broadcast on the jumbotron!  Fundraising to benefit the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation with post-race activities of a lantern lighting and local entertainment.  Check out Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time from the scorer's booth, trackside at the finish line.

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* September 15th, 2018... Chicago, IL: They're racing in Portage Park in the inaugural Victory Run 5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 8:00 am, near the northeast corner of Portage Park.

[logo: Prosser Cross Country] Cross Country Fans...
* September 15th, 2018... Chicago, IL: It's race morning for the annual Prosser Cross Country Invitational hosted by Prosser Career Academy on the racecourse of Hanson Park. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Event racing starts at 8:30 am CDT.

Race: Logo Trail Lizards...
* September 8th, 2018... Morton Grove, IL: Join up for primordial running, through forested trail and over green fields, full of fun & adventure but mostly void of pavement at our 5th Annual Terra Sans Pave - Linne Woods, near the the North Branch Trail system of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Our fifth-year race features traditional event distances of 4-Kilometer, 8-Kilometer, and our Big Lizard 10-Mile runs. Returning for 2018... our Terathlon 8-Hour option for ultra-trail runners. Registration is open until noon, on September 7th. Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report with photos from the trails. Terra Sans Pave... trail running bliss!

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* September 1st - 2nd, 2018... Lapham Peak State Park, WI: It's race weekend for the Badgerland Striders 24-12-6 Hour Runs featuring events of 24-hour solo, 12-hour solo, 6-hour solo on a 1-mile loop trail racecourse. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints as participants circle their trail loop. Events begin at 8:00 am on Saturday, and we'll post Results when "the clock ticks down to zero" for each distance.

Race: Logo Cross Country Fans...
* August 22nd, 2018... Elmwood Park, IL: It's the 4th Annual Elmwood Park Cross Country Trial on the Trail. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time!

Race: Logo Lunar Racing Fans...
* July 25th, 2018... Norwood Park, IL: It's our Seventh Annual Chicago Full Moon Run 5-Km and 1-Mile Lunar Orbit Run/Walk. Yep... we'll be racing in the streets under the full moon out among cicadas, crickets, and other creatures of the night. Our racecourse has been described as "fast," and "the most interesting 5-km in the city." Race time is just before sunset and the entire course will be illuminated by the full moon and city street lights. For 2018 we're offering a prize purse of $300 for top 5-Km performances, and special team awards for fastest clubs and schools!  Afterwards, join us at Mo Dailey's Pub & Grille for refreshments, Chicago Full Moon Run awards, and a post-race celebration that's "second to none."  Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Like race coverage?  Click for our Run Report along with photos of the action!

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* June 10th, 2018... River Grove, IL: They're racing the roads of River Grove in the fifth annual River Grove Police FOP 5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 8:30 am, near the intersection of Fullerton Avenue and River Road. The River Grove Police FOP Lodge #59 is a non for profit organization, which donates all proceeds back to the community through schools, PTA's, Little Leagues, and other charitable organizations.

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* June 2nd - 3rd, 2018... La Grange, WI: It's race weekend for the Kettle 100 Endurance Runs featuring events of 100-mile solo, 100-kilometer solo, 100-mile relay, 50-kilometer solo, and 38-mile solo fun run. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions.

Race: Logo Road Racing Fans...
* May 20th, 2018... Kenilworth, IL: They're racing the streets on the north shore for the annual Kenilworth Memorial Day 3k/5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. This friendly and fast race starts at 10:30 am, near the Kenilworth Train Station. Lots of ribbons for participants, as well as awards to age group winners!

[logo: MadCity Ultras]UltraRunning Fans...
* April 7th, 2018... Madison, WI: It's a new venue for this edition of the madness, Warner Park hosts the 12th annual MadCity Ultras featuring events of 100 Kilometers Solo, 50 Kilometers Solo, and 50 Kilometer Relay. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Webcast, and Results where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions. The MadCity 100 Kilometer will once again serve as USATF National Championship and will help determine "2018 Team USA," which will compete at the 2018 World Championship. Like action shots? Check out our Run Report with a gallery of photos captured of the weekend.

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* March 24th, 2018... Willow Springs, IL: Journey back in time for our sixth annual spring version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Devonian Spring along forested, unpaved paths of the Palos Trail System - Region 6, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration is open until March 23rd -or- when 200 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report, complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

Race: Logo Team Racers...
March 17th, 2018... McNabb, IL: Get your marathon-buds together and join forces for "A Great Team Event," as the Starved Rock Runners present 26.2 BY 5 TEAM MARATHON! This inaugural race features team members concurrently covering the 5.24-mile scenic racecourse near Putnam Country Junior High School. Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report recap, complete with photos!

Race: Logo Winter Harriers...
January 14th, 2018... Chicago, IL: Get your winter-teammates, grab your racing shoes/spikes, and join us for Winter Challenge Cross Country racing over the tree-lined fields of Caldwell Woods and Bunker Hill forest preserves. Our inaugural race features event distances of 5 kilometers, 15 kilometers, and our Gratuitous Six-Hour Run. Registration is open until 6:00 pm, Saturday January 13th. Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report with photos from the day. Cross country... the best of all human endeavors!

[logo: Ice Age Trail 50]Ice Age Trail Runners...
* December 10, 2017... General registration for events of the 2018 Ice Age Trail 50 will open Sunday December 10, under the schedule:
Noon CST :: Ice Age Trail 50 Mile
3:00 pm CST :: Ice Age Trail 50 Kilometer
6:00 pm CST :: Ice Age Trail Half Marathon
Your patience is requested as the rush for registration can unduly stress web services. We've implemented a number of changes to relieve congestion and improve the registration process including increasing capacity for all three events. But if you are unable to complete your registration when the time comes, don't panic! If you're unable to register due to processing delays, simply email the Race Director IMMEDIATELY and you'll be guaranteed an entry. Once event capacities are met, we cannot accept additional entries.
- Jeff Mallach, Race Director
Check out our Ice Age Trail 50 Group for galleries of photo albums as posted by John Zinzow (ultrarunner and past RD of IAT 50).

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* November 25th, 2017... Lindenhurst, IL: They're racing the roads in and around Millennium Park for Sharon Makes Us Run 5k. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 11:30 am.  This race is a celebration of Dr. Sharon B Gray's life, and proceeds will be directed to her favorite charities.

[logo: Evanston Running Club]Cross Country Enthusiasts...
* November 12th, 2017... Skokie, IL: They're taking to the course at Harms Woods for races of the Illinois Club XC Invitational, as hosted by the Evanston Running Club, and directed by John Hennelly. Events of 5-kilometer Women's Masters, Men's Masters, Women's Open, Men's Open will be contested with team bragging rights on the line. Check out Race Results, which include overall individual, and team scoring. For a race recap, complete with action photos, check out our Run Report.

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* November 11th, 2017... Palos Park, IL: Journey back in time for our fifth annual fall version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Cambrian Fall along forested, unpaved paths of the Sag Valley Trail System - Region 7, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration is open until November 10th -or- when 200 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

logo: Pairing Up to Beat Lung Cancer 5k / 1M Racing Fans...
* November 4th, 2017... Arlington Heights, IL: It's the inaugural running of Pairing Up to Beat Lung Cancer 5K/1Mile Run/Walk, directed by Juli and Valdis Aistars. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. The 5K race starts at 8:30 am near "Runners High ‘n Tri" at the intersection of Campbell St and Highland Ave.

[logo: 2017 IHSA 2A Regional Boys and Girls Cross Country] Cross Country Fans...
* October 21st, 2017... Chicago, IL: It's race morning for the 2017 IHSA 2A Regional Boys and Girls Cross Country Regional Meet, hosted by Prosser Career Academy on the racecourse of Hanson Park. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Girls Varsity at 10:00 am, followed by Boys Varsity at 10:45 am CDT.

[logo: Metro Suburban Conference - Red Division XC] Cross Country Fans...
* October 14th, 2017... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race day for the 2017 Metro Suburban Conference Red Cross Country Championship, hosted by Ridgewood High School - Norridge on the campus of Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 9:00 am CDT.
Saturday October 14th, 8:30 am CDT: Attention... due to inclement weather the MSC Red Cross Country Championship has been postponed to Monday October 16th, 4:30 pm. The location remains the campus of Elmwood Park High School.

[logo: Elmwood Park High School Cross Country] Cross Country Fans...
* October 7th, 2017... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race morning for the 28th Annual Elmwood Park Cross Country Tiger Invite on the campus of Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 9:00 am CDT.

Race: Logo Traditionalists...
* September 23rd, 2017... Park Ridge, IL: It's race morning for the 40th running of the Park Ridge Charity Classic.  This annual must-do race of the CARA calander is directed by David Loomos and his army of volunteers.  Check out Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time from the scorer's booth at the finish line!  Click for our Run Report with photos from the roads.

Race: Logo Evening Race Fans...
* September 17th, 2017... Arlington Heights, IL: It's race time at Arlington International Racecourse for the annual Starry Night 5K charity run. The evening will feature a 5-Km run, and 1-mile walk with its common finish on the racetrack, broadcast on the jumbotron!  Fundraising to benefit the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation with post-race activities of a lantern lighting and local entertainment.  Check out Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time from the scorer's booth, trackside at the finish line.

logo: Tiger Tear 5k Racing Fans...
* September 17th, 2017... Elmwood Park, IL: They're back on the roads for Elmwood Park's annual Tiger Tear 5k, sponsored by the Elmwood Park High School Booster Club. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 9:00 am near the high school campus of Elmwood Park.

Race: Logo Trail Lizards...
* September 9th, 2017... Morton Grove, IL: Join up for primordial running, through forested trail and over green fields, full of fun & adventure but void of pavement at our 4th Annual Terra Sans Pave - Linne Woods, near the the North Branch Trail system of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Our fourth-year race features traditional event distances of 4-Kilometer, 8-Kilometer, and our Big Lizard 10-Mile runs. Returning for 2017... our Terathlon 8-Hour option for ultra-trail runners. Registration is open until noon, on September 9th. Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report with photos from the trails. Terra Sans Pave... earthbound races in unpaved places!

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* September 2nd - 3rd, 2017... Lapham Peak State Park, WI: It's race weekend for the Badgerland Striders 24-12-6 Hour Runs featuring events of 24-hour solo, 12-hour solo, 6-hour solo on a 1-mile loop trail racecourse. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints as participants circle their trail loop. Events begin at 8:00 am on Saturday, and we'll post Results when "the clock ticks down to zero" for each distance.

Race: Logo Cross Country Fans...
* August 23rd, 2017... Elmwood Park, IL: It's the 3rd Annual Elmwood Park Cross Country Trial on the Trail. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time!

Race: Logo Lunar Racing Fans...
* August 9th, 2017... Norwood Park, IL: It's our Sixth Annual Chicago Full Moon Run 5-Km and 1-Mile Lunar Orbit Run/Walk. Yep... we'll be racing in the streets under the full moon out among cicadas, crickets, and other creatures of the night. Our racecourse has been described as "fast," and "the most interesting 5-km in the city." Race time is just before sunset and the entire course will be illuminated by the full moon and city street lights. For 2017 we're offering a prize purse of $300 for top 5-Km performances!  Afterward, join us at Mo Dailey's Pub & Grille for refreshments, Chicago Full Moon Run awards, and a post-race celebration that's "second to none."  Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Like race coverage?  Click for our Run Report along with photos of the action!

Race: Logo Triathlon Fans...
* July 22nd, 2017... Auburn, IN: The kids will be taking to the pool, riding their bikes, and racing the path arond the YMCA in the annual Tri Kappa Kids' Triathlon. Check out Race Results which will be posted here on our RunRace Network. Racing starts at 8:30 am EDT, at the YMCA of DeKalb County.

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* June 11th, 2017... River Grove, IL: They're racing the roads of River Grove in the fifth annual River Grove Police FOP 5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 8:30 am, near the intersection of Fullerton Avenue and River Road. The River Grove Police FOP Lodge #59 is a non for profit organization, which donates all proceeds back to the community through schools, PTA's, Little Leagues, and other charitable organizations.

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* June 3rd - 4th, 2017... La Grange, WI: It's race weekend for the Kettle 100 Endurance Runs featuring events of 100-mile solo, 100-kilometer solo, 100-mile relay, 50-kilometer solo, and 38-mile solo fun run. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions.

Race: Logo Road Racing Fans...
* May 21st, 2017... Kenilworth, IL: They're racing the streets on the north shore for the annual Kenilworth Memorial Day 3k/5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. This friendly and fast race starts at 10:30 am, near the Kenilworth Train Station. Lot of ribbons for participants, as well as awards to age group winners!

[logo: MadCity Ultras]UltraRunning Fans...
* April 8th, 2017... Madison, WI: Madness returns to the shores of Lake Wingra for the 11th annual MadCity Ultras featuring events of 100 Kilometers Solo, 50 Kilometers Solo, and 50 Kilometer Relay. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Webcast, and Results where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions. The MadCity 100 Kilometer will once again serve as USATF National Championship and will help determine "2017 Team USA," which will compete at the 2017 World Championship. Like action shots? Check out our Run Report with a gallery of photos captured near the finish area.

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* March 25th, 2017... Palos Park, IL: Journey back in time for our fifth annual spring version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Carboniferous Spring along forested, unpaved paths of the Sag Valley Trail System - Region 7, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration is open until March 24th -or- when 200 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

[logo: Ice Age Trail 50]Ice Age Trail Runners...
* December 18, 2016... General registration for events of the 2017 Ice Age Trail 50 will open Sunday December 18, under the schedule:
Noon CST :: Ice Age Trail 50 Mile
2:00 pm CST :: Ice Age Trail 50 Kilometer
4:00 pm CST :: Ice Age Trail Half Marathon
Your patience is requested as the rush for registration can unduly stress web services. We've implemented a number of changes to relieve congestion and improve the registration process this year (including raising the cap on the 50-mile race), but if you are unable to complete your registration when the time comes, don't panic! If you're unable to register due to processing delays, simply email the Race Director IMMEDIATELY and you'll be guaranteed an entry. Once event capacities are met, we cannot accept additional entries.
- Jeff Mallach, Race Director
Check out our Ice Age Trail 50 Group for galleries of photo albums as posted by John Zinzow (ultrarunner and past RD of IAT 50).

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* November 26th, 2016... Lindenhurst, IL: They're racing the roads in and around Millennium Park for Sharon Makes Us Run 5k. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 11:30 am.  This race is a celebration of Dr. Sharon B Gray's life, and proceeds will be directed to her favorite charities.

[logo: Evanston Running Club]Cross Country Enthusiasts...
* November 13th, 2016... Skokie, IL: They're taking to the course at Harms Woods for races of the Illinois Club XC Invitational, as hosted by the Evanston Running Club. Events of 5-kilometer Women's Masters, Men's Masters, Women's Open, Men's Open will be contested with team bragging rights on the line. Check out Race Results, which include overall individual, and team scoring.

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* November 12th, 2016... Palos Park, IL: Journey back in time for our fourth annual fall version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Silurian Fall along forested, unpaved paths of the Sag Valley Trail System - Region 7, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration is open until November 11th -or- when 150 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

[logo: DPRT Races] Trail Runners...
* October 15th, 2016... Lake County, IL: In its 7th year the Des Plaines River Trail Races remains a popular test of endurance among veteran distance runners. Featuring solo events of 50-Mile Ultramarathon, 26.2-Mile Marathon, and 13.1-Mile Half Marathon the DPR Trail Races have something for everyone. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions. Check out Race Results, which we'll be posting as runners make their finish line at Half Day Forest Preserve!

[logo: Elmwood Park High School Cross Country] Cross Country Fans...
* October 8th, 2016... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race morning for the 27th Annual Elmwood Park Cross Country Tiger Invite on the campus of Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 900 am CDT.

Race: Logo Cross Country Fans...
* October 1st, 2016... Niles, IL: It's the 4th Annual Orchard Village Race to Embrace charity run with distances of 5K, and a 3K walk. Proceeds support residential, vocational, in-home, and transitional programs for individuals with developmental disabilities in the care of Orchard Village.  Check out Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time from the finish line.

logo: Tiger Tear 5k Racing Fans...
* September 25th, 2016... Elmwood Park, IL: They're back on the roads for Elmwood Park's annual Tiger Tear 5k, sponsored by the Elmwood Park High School Booster Club. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 9:00 am near the high school campus of Elmwood Park.

Race: Logo Traditionalists...
* September 24th, 2016... Park Ridge, IL: It's race morning for the 39th running of the Park Ridge Charity Classic.  This annual must-do race of the CARA calander is directed by David Loomos and his army of volunteers.  Check out Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time from the scorer's booth at the finish line.

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* September 24th, 2016... Crown Point, IN: They're racing the roads in and around the Lake County Fairgrounds in the third annual Fleeing Felon 5k. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 9:00 am.  All proceeds from this race are donated to local charities.

Race: Logo Evening Race Fans...
* September 18th, 2016... Arlington Heights, IL: It's race time at Arlington International Racecourse for the annual Starry Night 8.5 K charity run. The evening will feature a 28,000-step (8.5K) run/walk with its finish on the racetrack, broadcast on the jumbotron!  Fundraising to benefit the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation with post-race activities of a lantern lighting and local entertainment.  Check out Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time from the scorer's booth, trackside at the finish line.

Race: Logo Trail Lizards...
* September 10th, 2016... Morton Grove, IL: Join up for primordial running, through forested trail and over green fields, full of fun & adventure but void of pavement at our 3rd Annual Terra Sans Pave - Linne Woods, near the the North Branch Trail system of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Our third-year race features traditional event distances of 4-Kilometer, 8-Kilometer, and our Big Lizard 10-Mile runs. New for 2016... our Terathlon 8-Hour option for ultra-trail runners. Registration is open until noon, on September 9th. Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report with photos from the trails. Terra Sans Pave... earthbound races in unpaved places!

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* September 3rd - 4th, 2016... Germantown, WI: It's race weekend for the Badgerland Striders 24-12-6 Hour Runs - 2016 featuring events of 24-hour solo, 12-hour solo, 6-hour solo on the 400 meter track. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints as participants circle the track. Events begin at 8:00 am on Saturday, and we'll post Results when "the clock ticks down to zero" for each distance.

Race: Logo Cross Country Fans...
* August 23rd, 2016... Elmwood Park, IL: It's the 2nd Annual Elmwood Park Cross Country Trial on the Trail. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time!

Race: Logo Night Time Racing Fans...
* July 20th, 2016... Norwood Park, IL: It's our 5th Annual Chicago Full Moon Run 5-Km and 1-Mile Lunar Orbit Run/Walk. Yep... we'll be racing in the streets under the full moon out among cicadas, crickets, and other creatures of the night. Our racecourse has been described as "fast," and "the most interesting 5-km in the city." Race time is just before sunset and the entire course will be illuminated by the full moon and city street lights. For 2016 we're offering a prize purse of $300 for top 5-Km performances!  Afterward, join us at Mo Dailey's Pub & Grille for refreshments, Chicago Full Moon Run awards, and a post-race celebration that's "second to none."  Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Like race coverage?  Click for our Run Report along with photos of the action!

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* June 12th, 2016... River Grove, IL: They're racing the roads of River Grove in the fourth annual River Grove Police FOP 5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 8:30 am, near the intersection of Fullerton Avenue and River Road. The River Grove Police FOP Lodge #59 is a non for profit organization, which donates all proceeds back to the community through schools, PTA's, Little Leagues, and other charitable organizations.

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* June 4th - 5th, 2016... La Grange, WI: It's race weekend for the Kettle 100 Endurance Runs featuring events of 100-mile solo, 100-kilometer solo, 100-mile relay, 50-kilometer solo, and 38-mile solo fun run. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions.

Race: Logo Community Racing Fans...
* June 4th, 2016... Gladstone Park - Chicago, IL: It's race morning for The Debby Reese Memorial 3K Run/Walk.  Proceeds from this race will be distributed equally between the schools of Hitch Elementary School and St. Tarcissus Elementary School, to help children in the Gladstone Park community. The run will be held in honor of the life and career of Deborah “Debby” Reese.  Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time.

Race: Logo Road Racing Fans...
* May 22nd, 2016... Kenilworth, IL: They're racing the streets on the north shore for the annual Kenilworth Memorial Day 3k/5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. This friendly and fast race starts at 10:30 am, near the Kenilworth Train Station. Lot of ribbons for participants, as well as awards to age group winners!

[logo: MadCity Ultras]UltraRunning Fans...
* April 9th, 2016... Madison, WI: Madness returns to the shores of Lake Wingra for the 10th annual MadCity Ultras featuring events of 100 Kilometers Solo, 50 Kilometers Solo, and 50 Kilometer Relay. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Webcast, and Results where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions. The MadCity 100 Kilometer will once again serve as USATF National Championship and will help determine "2016 Team USA," which will compete at the 2016 World Championship.

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* March 26th, 2016... Willow Springs, IL: Journey back in time for our fourth annual spring version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Silurian Spring along forested, unpaved paths of the Palos Trail System - Region 6, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration is open until March 25th -or- when 180 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

[logo: Oil Creek 100 Trail RunsTrail Runners...
* March 13th, 2016... Staggered registration set to open: Race registration for events of the Oil Creek 100 Trail Runs will open in several registration windows each day, at various times for short durations of perhaps 5 or 10 minutes. Race director, Tom Jennings is taking this approach to give all interested runners a fair chance at registration and a spot on the starting line, this October 8th, 2016 at the Eighth Annual Oil Creek 100 Trail Runs - Titusville, Pennsylvania.

[logo: Ice Age Trail 50]Attention... Opening times for registration into events of the Ice Age Trail have been adjusted as follows:
4:00 pm CST :: Ice Age Trail 50 Kilometer :: Two hours later than previously set.
8:00 pm CST :: Ice Age Trail Half Marathon :: Four hours later than previously set.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused by these scheduling changes.
Trail Runners...
* December 13th, 2015... Registration set to open: Race registration for events of the 2016 Ice Age Trail 50 will open at noon, Sunday December 13, 2015 CST, and is scheduled to run through April 30th, 2016 (but will close earlier if capacities are met). Race director Jeff Mallach encourages your timely registration, and hopes you will "join us in May!" Check out our Ice Age Trail 50 Group for galleries of photo albums as posted by John Zinzow (ultrarunner and past RD of IAT 50).

[logo: Evanston Running Club]Cross Country Enthusiasts...
* November 15th, 2015... Skokie, IL: They're taking to the course at Harms Woods for races of the Illinois Club XC Invitational, as hosted by the Evanston Running Club. Events of 5-kilometer Women's Masters, Men's Masters, Women's Open, Men's Open will be contested with team bragging rights on the line. Check out Race Results, which include overall individual, and team scoring.

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* November 14th, 2015... Palos Park, IL: Journey back in time for our fall version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Permian Fall along forested, unpaved paths of the Palos Trail System - Region 6, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration is open until November 13th -or- when 160 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... Finish or Fossilize!

Race: Logo Cross Country Fans...
* October 24th, 2015... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race morning for the IHSA 2A Boys/Girls Regional Meet hosted by Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 10:00 am CDT.

Race: Logo Trail Runners...
* October 17th, 2015... Lake County, IL: In its 6th year the Des Plaines River Trail Races has become a popular test of endurance among veteran distance runners. Featuring solo events of 50-Mile Ultramarathon, 26.2-Mile Marathon, and 13.1-Mile Half Marathon the DPR Trail Races have something for everyone looking to "go the distance." Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions. Check out Race Results, which we'll be posting as runners make their finish line!

Race: Logo Cross Country Fans...
* October 10th, 2015... Elmwood Park, IL: It's race morning for the 26th Annual Elmwood Park Cross Country Invitational on the campus of Elmwood Park High School. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Racing starts at 9:00 am CDT.

Race: LogoNighttime Racing Fans...
* October 3rd, 2015... Park Ridge, IL: It's race evening for the third annual running of MSW Light Up the Night 5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. This wildly popular 5 kilometer road run has a starting time of 6:30 pm, near the parish of Mary, Seat of Wisdom School on Clifton Avenue. The racecourse will wind through glowing streets of the community, then back to the finish near Mary, Seat of Wisdom.

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* September 26th, 2015... Crown Point, IN: They're racing the roads in and around the Lake County Fairgrounds in the second annual Fleeing Felon 5k. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 9:00 am.  All proceeds from this race are donated to local charities. Click for our Run Report along with photos of the action!

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* September 20th, 2015... Elmwood Park, IL: They're racing the roads in Elmwood Park's annual Tiger Tear 5k, sponsored by the Elmwood Park High School Booster Club. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 9:00 am near the high school campus of Elmwood Park. Click for our Run Report with photos of the action!

[logo: Terra Sans Pave]Calling all Trail Lizards...
* September 19th, 2014... Glenview, IL: Come join us for primordial running, through forested trail and over green fields, full of fun & adventure but void of pavement at Terra Sans Pave - Blue Star, near the the North Branch Trail system of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County.  Our second-year race features events of 10 miles, 8 kilometers, and 4 kilometers. Registration is open until September 18th. Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report with photos from the trails. Terra Sans Pave... earthbound races in unpaved places!

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* September 5th - 6th, 2015... Germantown, WI: It's race weekend for the Badgerland Striders 24-12-6 Hour Runs - 2015 featuring events of 24-hour solo, 12-hour solo, 6-hour solo on the 400 meter track. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints as participants circle the track. Events begin at 8:00 am on Saturday, and we'll post Results when "the clock ticks down to zero" for each distance. Click for our Run Report with action photos from Germantown Warhawks - Datka Stadium.

Race: Logo Night Time Racing Fans...
* July 29th, 2015... Norwood Park, IL: It's our 4th Annual Chicago Full Moon Run 5-Km and 1-Mile Lunar Orbit Run/Walk. Yep... we'll be racing in the streets under the full moon out among cicadas, crickets, and other creatures of the night. Our racecourse has been described as "fast," and "the most interesting 5-km in the city." Race time is just before sunset and the entire course will be illuminated by the full moon and city street lights. For 2015 we're offering a prize purse of $300 for top 5-Km performances!  Afterward, join us at Mo Dailey's Pub & Grille for refreshments, Chicago Full Moon Run awards, and a post-race celebration that's "second to none."  Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Like race coverage?  Click for our Run Report along with photos of the action!

Race: Logo Trail Running Fans...
* July 11th, 2015... Peoria, IL: It's race day for the inaugural running of Cry Me A River! Trail Runs, featuring distances of 50 miles, Half Marathon, and 5 miles.  Check out Race Results as scored and provided by River City Race Management, LLC.

Race: Logo Community Racing Fans...
* June 20th, 2015... Chicago, IL: It's race morning for The Debby Reese Memorial 3K Run/Walk.  Proceeds from this race will be distributed equally between the schools of Hitch Elementary School and St. Tarcissus Elementary School, to help children in the Gladstone Park community. The run will be held in honor of the life and career of Deborah “Debby” Reese.  Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time.

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* June 14th, 2015... River Grove, IL: They're racing the roads of River Grove in the third annual River Grove Police FOP 5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 8:30 am, near the intersection of Fullerton Avenue and River Road. The River Grove Police FOP Lodge #59 is a non for profit organization, which donates all proceeds back to the community through schools, PTA's, Little Leagues, and other charitable organizations.

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* June 6th - 7th, 2015... La Grange, WI: It's race weekend for the Kettle 100 Endurance Runs featuring events of 100-mile solo, 100-kilometer solo, 100-mile relay, 50-kilometer solo, and 38-mile solo fun run. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions. Click for our Run Report with action photos from the trail.

Race: Logo Road Racing Fans...
* May 17th, 2015... Kenilworth, IL: They're racing the streets on the north shore for the annual Kenilworth Memorial Day 3k/5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. This friendly and fast race starts at 10:30 am, near the Kenilworth Train Station. Lot of ribbons for participants, as well as awards to age group winners!

Race: Logo Spring Racing Fans...
* May 16th, 2015... Bunker Hill - Niles, IL: It's race morning for the 3rd annual running of the Immaculate Conception Cowboy Stampede 5K, and Pony Gallop 1K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. This fun 5 kilometer race has a start time of 9:00 am, on the forest preserve paths of Bunker Hill. As for the ponies... they'll be galloping the trails with a start time of 10:00 am.

Race: Logo Springtime Racing Fans...
* April 25th, 2015... Crown Point, IN: It's race morning for the running of NWI Nurses Against Domestic Violence 5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. This annual charity road race has a start time of 9:30 am, at the beautiful Lake County Fairgrounds. Awards for overall male/female winners, as well as to age group winners.

[logo: MadCity Ultras]UltraRunning Fans...
* April 11th, 2015... Madison, WI: Madness returns to the shores of Lake Wingra for the 9th annual MadCity Ultras featuring events of 100 Kilometers Solo, 50 Kilometers Solo, and 50 Kilometer Relay. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Webcast, and Results where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions. The MadCity 100 Kilometer will once again serve as USATF National Championship and will help determine "2015 Team USA," which will compete at the 2015 World Championship. Like action shots? Check out our Run Report with a gallery of photos captured near the finish area.

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* March 28th, 2015... Palos Park, IL: Journey back in time for our spring version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Ordovician Spring along forested, unpaved paths of the Sag Valley Trail System - Region 7, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration is open until March 27th -or- when 150 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... "finish or fossilize!"

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Trail Runners...
* November 15th, 2014... Willow Springs, IL: Journey back in time for our fall version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Devonian Fall along forested, unpaved paths of the Palos Trail System - Region 6, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration is open until November 14th -or- when 150 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... "finish or fossilize!"

[logo: Coulee Chase]2-Legged and 4-Legged Runners...
* March 7th, 2015... La Crosse, WI: It's the 6th Annual Coulee Chase fun run sponsored by the UW-L Athletic Trainer's Association and in collaboration with La Crosse Parks and Recreation. Events of 5 kilometers and 3 kilometers are featured for humans and "their best friends!" Check out Race Results. For a race recap click into their posted Run Report.

[logo: Evanston Running Club]Cross Country Enthusiasts...
* November 9th, 2014... Skokie, IL: They're taking to the course at Harms Woods for races of the Illinois Club XC Invitational, as hosted by the Evanston Running Club. Events of 5-kilometer Women's Masters, Men's Masters, Women's Open, Men's Open will be contested with team bragging rights on the line. Check out Race Results, which include overall individual, and team scoring. For a race recap, complete with action photos, check out our Run Report.

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* October 19th, 2014... Elmwood Park, IL: They're racing the roads in celebration of Elmwood Park's centennial at the annual Tiger Tear 5k. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 9:00 am near the High School of Elmwood Park.  Click for our Run Report, by Rich Limacher, along with photos of the action!

Race: Logo Trail Runners...
* October 18th, 2014... Lake County, IL: In its 5th year the Des Plaines River Trail Races has become a popular test of endurance among veteran distance runners. Featuring solo events of 50-Mile Ultramarathon, 26.2-Mile Marathon, and 13.1-Mile Half Marathon the DPR Trail Races have something for everyone looking to "go the distance." Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions. Check out Race Results, which we'll be posting as runners make their finish line! For a race recap with a gallery of images from the Start / Finish area please check out our Run Report.

Race: Logo Road Racing Fans...
* October 12th, 2014... Merrillville, IN: It's race morning for the 2nd Annual Hoosier Burn Camp 5K Run. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting from the finish line in near real-time. This friendly charity road race, sponsored by the Merrillville Fire Department, starts at 10:00 am at Merrillville High School. Click for our Run Report with photos of the action!

Our 2015 MSW Light Up the Night date is set for Saturday October 3rd... click for 2015 Race Detail.
Race: LogoNighttime Racing Fans...
* October 4th, 2014... Park Ridge, IL: It's race evening for the second annual running of MSW Light Up the Night 5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. This wildly popular 5 kilometer road run has a starting time of 6:30 pm, near the parish of Mary, Seat of Wisdom School on Clifton Avenue. The racecourse will wind through glowing streets of the community, then back to the finish near Mary, Seat of Wisdom. Run Report Click for our Run Report, complete with a gallery of photos from the finish line!

Race: Logo Road Racing Fans...
* September 28th, 2014... Wilmette, IL: It's race morning for the 11th Annual SFX Run for Haiti 5K & 1M Kids' Run. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Activities start with the 5 kilometer featured event at 8:00 am, followed by the 1 Mile Kids' Run at 9:00 am. The 5 kilometer featured event will be chip-timed. Start and finish area is nearby the intersection of 9th Street and Greenleaf Avenue, in the vicinity of St. Francis Xavier School. Click for our Run Report with photos of the action!

Race: Logo Traditionalists...
* September 27th, 2014... Park Ridge, IL: It's race morning for the 37th running of the Park Ridge Charity Classic. This annual must-do race of the CARA calander is directed by Dave Loomos and his army of volunteers. Click for our Run Report with an extensive gallery of photos. Check out Results as managed by the finish-line team of DRKomputing, Inc.

Race: Logo Road Racing Fans...
* September 20th, 2014... River Forest, IL: It's race morning for the 3rd annual running of the SVF Friar 5K, and SVF 1 Mile Fun Run. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Activities start with the 1 Mile Fun Run at 8:00 am, followed by the 5 Kilometer featured event at 8:30 am. The 5 Kilometer featured event will be chip-timed. Start and finish area is on Le Moyne Parkway just west of Jackson Avenue, near the St. Vincent Ferrer Parish School, 1515 N. Lathrop Avenue.

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* September 20th, 2014... Crown Point, IN: They're racing the roads in and around the Lake County Fairgrounds in the inaugural Fleeing Felon 5k. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 9:00 am.  All proceeds from this race are donated to local charities.  Click for our Run Report along with photos of the action!

[logo: Terra Sans Pave]Calling all Trail Lizards...
* September 13th, 2014... Morton Grove, IL: Come join us for primordial running, through forested trail and over green fields, full of fun & adventure but void of pavement at Terra Sans Pave - Linne Woods, near the the North Branch Trail system of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County.  This inaugural race features events of 8 kilometers and 4 kilometers. Registration is open until September 12th. Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report with photos from the trails. Terra Sans Pave... earthbound races in unpaved places!

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* August 30th - 31st, 2014... Germantown, WI: It's race weekend for the Badgerland Striders 24-12-6 Hour Runs - 2014 featuring events of 24-hour solo, 12-hour solo, 6-hour solo on the 400 meter track. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints as participants circle the track. Events begin at 8:00 am on Saturday, and we'll post Results when "the clock ticks down to zero" for each distance. Click for our Run Report with action photos from Germantown Warhawks - Datka Stadium.

Race: Logo Triathlon Fans...
* August 19th, 2014... Elk Grove Village, IL: They'll be racing in the new pool, on their bikes, then on foot at The Elk Grove Duathlon Challenge. Presented by the Elk Grove Park District, this annual community race is fun for the whole family featuring events of the Super Sprint Tri 12.8 Km for adults, along with kids events of Kids Fun Tri : Age 11 - 13 : 6.5 Km and Kids Fun Tri : Age 7 - 10 : 2.85 Km.  Check out Race Results which we'll be posting near real-time as athletes make their finish line at Disney Park. Waves begin at 7:00 am.

Race: Logo Chicago Full Moon Run...
* Wednesday August 6th, 2014... Norwood Park - Chicago, IL: It's our 3rd Annual Chicago Full Moon Run 5-Km and 1-Mile Run/Walk. Yep... we'll be racing in the streets under the full moon out among cicadas, crickets, and other creatures of the night. Our racecourse has been described as "fast," and "the most interesting 5-km in the city." Race time is just before sunset and the entire course will be illuminated by the full moon and city street lights. For 2014 we're offering a prize purse of $200 for top 5-Km performances!  Afterward, join us at Mo Dailey's Pub & Grille for refreshments, Chicago Full Moon Run awards, and a post-race celebration that's "second to none." Find out more and register by clicking into Race Registration. Check out Race Results, which we'll be posting in near-real time.  Click for our 2014 Run Report with more tnan 200 photos of the action under the supermoon.

Race: Logo Cross Country Fans...
* August 3rd, 2014... Crown Point, IN: It's race morning for the annual Fleet Feet Run Dirty 5k & 10K run through the trails of Lemon Lake County Park. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting from the finish line in near real-time. Both races start at 8:00 am. Depending on the weather... you may get a lil’ dirty... plan accordingly!  Click for our 2014 Run Report as posted by Rich Limacher - The Troubadour, with photos from the finish line.

Race: Logo Community Racing Fans...
* June 14th, 2014... Chicago, IL: It's race morning for The Debby Reese Memorial 3K Run/Walk.  Proceeds from this race will be distributed equally between the schools of Hitch Elementary School and St. Tarcissus Elementary School, to help children in the Gladstone Park community. The run will be held in honor of the life and career of Deborah “Debby” Reese.  Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time.  Like race coverage?  Click for our Run Report along with photos of the action!

Race: Logo UltraRunning Fans...
* June 7th - 8th, 2014... La Grange, WI: It's race weekend for the Kettle 100 Endurance Runs - 2014 featuring events of 100-mile solo, 100-kilometer solo, 100-mile relay, 50-kilometer solo, and 38-mile solo fun run. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions. Click for our Run Report with action photos from the trail.

Race: Logo Racing Fans...
* June 1st, 2014... River Grove, IL: They're racing the roads of River Grove in the second annual River Grove Police FOP 5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. Race start is 8:30 am, near the intersection of Fullerton Avenue and River Road. The River Grove Police FOP Lodge #59 is a non for profit organization, which donates all proceeds back to the community through schools, PTA's, Little Leagues, and other charitable organizations. Click for our Run Report along with photos of the action!

Race: Logo Road Racing Fans...
* May 18th, 2014... Kenilworth, IL: They're racing the streets on the north shore for the annual Kenilworth Memorial Day 3k/5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. This friendly and fast race starts at 10:30 am, near the Kenilworth Train Station. Lot of ribbons for participants, as well as awards to age group winners!

Race: Logo Springtime Racing Fans...
* May 17th, 2014... Crown Point, IN: It's race morning for the Crown Brewing / Fleet Feet running of Crownfest 5K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. This beautiful, yet challenging 5k has a start time of 12:00 noon, at the bustling Lake County Fairgrounds. Awards for overall male/female winners, as well as to age group winners. Click for our Run Report along with photos of the action as authored by finish-line manager Rich Limacher, "The Troubadour"!

[logo: Indiana Trail 100]Ultra Trail Runners...
* April 26th & 27th, 2014... Albion, IN: They're taking to the trails at Chain O' Lakes State Park in Albion, Indiana for the 2nd Annual Indiana Trail 100, featuring events of 100 miles and 50 miles. Can't join us in person, on race day? No problem... we'll be broadcasting updates of runner progress through our Webcast and near real-time Results.

[Race: Logo] UltraRunning Fans...
* April 12th, 2014... Madison, WI: Madness returns to the shores of Lake Wingra for the 8th annual MadCity Ultras featuring events of 100 Kilometers Solo, 50 Kilometers Solo, and 50 Kilometer Relay. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast, and Race Results where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions. The MadCity 100 Kilometer will once again serve as USATF National Championship and will help determine "2014 Team USA," which will compete at the 2014 World Championship.

Race: Logo Springtime Racing Fans...
* April 12th, 2014... Hammond, IN: It's race morning for the 5th annual running of the Hammond Charity Run. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. This annual charity 10-Km & 5-Km road race has a start time of 8:30 am, at the Hammond Civic Center, and winds runners through the scenic community.

[logo: Paleozoic Trail Runs]Hardcore Trail Runners...
* March 22nd, 2014... Palos Park, IL: Journey back in time for our spring version of Paleozoic Trail Runs - Cambrian Spring along forested, unpaved paths of the Palos Trail System - Region 7, featuring events of 50 kilometers and 25 kilometers. Registration is open until March 21st -or- when 150 available spots are filled (whichever comes first). Can't join us on race day? No problem... we'll be updating runner progress through our Webcast and Results, which we'll be posting in near real-time. Click for our Run Report complete with action photos!  Paleozoic Trail Runs... "finish or fossilize!"

Race: Logo Winter Racing Fans...
* December 28th, 2013... Matteson, IL: It's race morning for the 3rd annual running of the Dash Into the New Year 5k. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. This holiday 5 kilometer race has a start time of 8:00 am, at the Matteson Community Center Campus and will take you through the community. Awards in 5-year age groups.  Click for our Run Report with photos of the action as authored by finish-line manager Rich Limacher, "The Troubadour"!

Race: Logo Trail Running Fans...
* September 22nd, 2013... Portage, IN: It's race morning for Crazy Legs Race Series Crazy Legs 13.1 Trail Half Marathon, run among the trails of Imagnation Glen Park. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting from the finish line in near real-time. Racing starts at 7:00 am CDT. Crazy Legs Race Series: promoting non-pavement races, on fun and challenging courses in Northwest Indiana!  Click for our Run Report with photos of the action.

Race: Logo Race Fans...
* September 15th, 2013... Chicago, IL: A small collection of intrepid runners donned their kilts and took to the roads, ignoring the persistent rain, and raced in the 4th Annual Chicago Kilt Run. Check out Race Results which were be posted immediately following this charity event, with portion of proceeds benefiting the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation.

Race: Logo Road Racing Fans...
* July 25th, 2013... Madison, WI: It's race evening for the annual running of Movin' Shoes Full Moon 5k & Kids' Run. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting under the full moon in near real-time. The scenic 5K race starts at 9:00 pm near the shores of Monona Bay at Olin Park.

Race: Logo Spring Racing Fans...
* May 18th, 2013... Norwood Park - Chicago, IL: It's race morning for the 1st annual running of the Immaculate Conception Cowboy Stampede 5K, and Pony Gallop 1K. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. This fun, new 5 kilometer race has a start time of 8:00 am, near the parish of Immaculate Conception School on West Talcott Avenue, and will wind you through the community. As for the ponies... they'll be galloping the nearby roads with a start time of 9:00 am. Click for our Run Report with photos of the action!

Road Racing Fans...
* May 4th, 2013... Whitewater, WI: It's race morning for the inaugural running of Book It! 5k and Fun Run. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. This great new race is a fund raiser for the Whitewater library. Click for our Run Report with a few photos of the action!

[logo: Fourever Friends] Road Racing Fans...
* April 21st, 2013... Angola, IN: It's race morning for the annual running of Fourever Friends 4-Miler. Check out Race Results which we'll be posting in near real-time. This family-fun 4 mile race has a start time of 2:00 pm, and follows a challenging course through the community. 5-year age divisions. Click for our Run Report with a few photos of the action!

Race: Logo "Going in Circles"...
* October 27th, 2012... Norwood Park - Chicago, IL: It's the 7th Annual Going in Circles 5-Km Run / Walk and 1-Mile Kids Run. Our course is picturesque, spectator friendly, flat and fast with no sharp turns. For 2012 we're offering a prize purse of $820 for top 5-Km performances!  Join us for this fantastic neighborhood event and post-race celebration with an expanded raffle open to all participants. Find out more and register by clicking into Race Registration. Check out Race Results, which we'll be posting in near-real time. Click for a race recap with a gallery of photos in our Run Report.

[Race: Logo] UltraRunning Fans...
* October 13th - 14th, 2012... Titusville, PA: It's race weekend for the Oil Creek 100 Trail Run - 2012 featuring events of 100 Miles, 100 Kilometers, and 50 Kilometers. Keep up with the action and track your favorite runners by clicking into our Race Webcast where we'll be updating checkpoints with participant times and positions. Like photos? Click for Webcast Report with photos from the race, and The Troubadour's Photocast with even more photos!

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