It's Wednesday,
February 12th, 2025
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To Post a Race complete the form and click the Continue button below...
Attention... Currently you're not logged in. If you're already a registered user within our website please Log In before continuing. Otherwise you must Register, becoming a distinguished user within the website of RunRace. User registration is absolutely free and you may quick-register here by providing accurate information as requested. After submitting your registration an email message will be sent to you confirming your email address. Be sure that your email account can receive messages from before continuing.
The symbol indicates a required entry.

User ID

Provide your unique User ID... something that you'll easily remember.
Email Address

Your active Email Address... check for accuracy.

First Name

Provide your First Name... to distinguish you among other users.
 Last Name

Optional... provide your Last Name.

Robo Blocker
Enter characters into the field below
Enter characters without spaces.
Step 1 of 2 - Race Information
Name of Race
Race Date

Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Start Time

Format: HH:MM
What is the City, Town, Village, or descriptive Area for this race?
What is the State, or Province, or Country for this race?
State / Province

Use 2 digit code for US and Canada
otherwise, leave blank.
Country, if outside of the US and Canada.

Leave blank if race is in US or Canada.
Website address

Optional... What is the Website address for this race?
Description: Optionally provide a description, or instructions, or notes of interest.

How many Events will your new race feature?

Example: A race that features a 10K, 5K, and Fun Walk would have 3 events.

Are you a Race Director for this race?
Yes   No
How many Race Directors are there for this race?

Optional... races may have multiple race directors.

Zip or Postal Code

Optional... what is the Zip or Postal Code that best identifies the location of this race?
Override Race tag?

Optional... is this posting for something other than a traditional footrace? If so please select the tag that best matches the purpose for this posting. Leave blank if the purpose is for a race, or a more descriptive tag is not available among the selectable values.
Date of Completion

Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Optional... for this posting, is the Date of Completion noteworthy in that it should be included? If so, please enter a date of completion. Postings such as Race Series, or Group Membership, or where an expiration date is appropriate should include a date of completion. Leave blank if the date of this race and its completion are one-in-the-same.

Confirm your responses above, then click Continue to advance to Step 2.
You're at Step 1 of 2 in the process of Posting a Race.

The details that you provide here will automatically display on our calendar through the date of your race.

Please verify that you provide accurate information as eager runners seach our calendar daily!

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