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February 19th, 2025
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Chillbilly 2 hour and 8 hour 2023 results
Thursday January 19th, 2023
Jenna Bahaj
2 hour:
Rebecca baley- 7
Tony Bartlett-6.5
Amy bloede-7
Candance buikema- 5
Corby Burkett- 13
Rachel Carlson- 8
Bridget crossley- dns
Krista davids- 9
Linda Elliott- 5
Brian foster- 7
Steve frankel- 9.5
Amy frankel- 5.5
Kevin hanrahan- dns
Chelsea hermacinski- 6
Susan hohn- 8
Bill holmes- 2.5
Donna jasper- 8
Rachael kilby- 10.5
Amy lee- 9
Laura mangrum - 4.5
Lupe Martinez- 8.5
Kevin Mathewson - 9.5
Tara mayner- 4
Aron McDonald- 11
Angi mcmurtrey- 7.5
Mark monge - dns
Josh Noel- dns
Amy nutial- 11
Matt nutial- 9.5
Crystal radovanovic- 8
Bradley schreiner- 10
Erich smith- 7
Gerald stock- 8.5
Cole stoner- 10.5
Dan stumpenhorst- 4
Sandy stumpenhorst- 4
Judson swan- dns
Tim Swanson - 10
Phillip Trompeter-6.5
Kelli vandeschraaf- 7
Robyn wiedman- 7.5
Stan winterroth- 4.5
Beth mccrory- 4.5
Alex Garza- 6
Daniela Harrison- 11.5
Golda ewalt- 4.5
Erin Meyer - 4.5
John havenga - 13.5
John knoll - 8.5
Ben tift- 8
Jack cook- 9
David failing - 7
8 hour :
Jim Arnold- 23.5
Ginger aschenbrenner- 30
Keith aurand - 29
Michael braun-40
Nancy braun- 12
Chris braun -30
Therese brink - 4
Vivian Briscoe - 13
Jeff brown- 31.5
Doug camp- 20
Nathan Castillo-36.5
Lori cepa- 8
Linda cepa- 6
Tara flesch- 31
Matthew hajny- 41
Frank hardy - 22
Bill harrmann - dns
Chad hazel wood- 33
Michael hoefer- 28
Dave hosbrough- 30.5
Rob Judd- 31.5
Matthias kemmeren -37
Racine lambert cwerenz- 19
Elizabeth lara- 23.5
John Larson- 30.5
Jason midlock- 40.5
Erin Montgomery- 30
Jill moser- 18.5
Dawn nailor- 16.5
Scott nailor- 16.5
Annie Newman- 14
Troy pequette- 10
James Solomon- 45.5
Mary stanbary - 20
Brooke stanbary - 34.5
Paul Wilkerson- 24.5
Sophie Russell- 8
Robert mccrory - 10
Regan wood- 18
Erik savickas- 18
Jim katter- 34.5
Rachel Reyes- 37
Andy bloom - 37.5
Hassen drissi- 32.5
Visitor Feedback & Commentary:
Last Update
Wow... great list of runners who took on the challenge of this winter's
Chillbilly 2 Hour and 8 Hour Endurance Events
. Congratulations to all
Bill Thom
Jan 20, 2023
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January 19th, 2023 4:48 pm
Last View:
February 19th, 2025 5:03 am
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