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Title:Chicago Lakefront Ultras - Spring Edition 2024
Date:Saturday March 30th, 2024
Author:Jeffrey Fleitz, photos by Michelle & Bill Thom
2024 Spring Edition Chicago Lakefront Ultras
[Logo: Chicago Lakefront Ultras 50K - Half Marathon - 20.7 Mile Buildup Run]

24th Annual Chicago Lakefront 50k, Half Marathon, and Buildup Run - George Cheung Memorial Race!

Official statistics for 2024 Chicago Lakefront Ultras - George Cheung Memorial Race...
Weather Statistics
Wind Chill
7:00 am:489345S 7Partly Cloudy
8:00 am:509246SW 9Partly Cloudy
9:00 am:529052SW 7Partly Cloudy
10:00 am:528152W 11Partly Cloudy
11:00 am:557655N 12Cloudy
12:00 pm:557255N 9Cloudy
1:00 pm:557655N 14Cloudy
2:00 pm:527952N 14Mostly Cloudy
3:00 pm:548654N 11Mostly Cloudy
4:00 pm:508745NE 12Mostly Cloudy
5:00 pm:468541N 12Partly Cloudy

The 24th annual spring edition of the Chicago Lakefront Ultras was back on the South Side again. We decided to stay on the east side of Lake Shore Drive at the 63rd Street Beach House, which felt like the old days when earlier years of the race were here too.  

As of race morning we were expecting 242 runners to toe the line in all the events combined, 197 actually showed up. It's possible that the 70 degree days in the weeks prior to the race helped motivate people to register. Some might have been scared away with the heavy rains that fell on Friday night and early Saturday morning, but we never had any rain aside from maybe a very brief drizzle after about 6:00 am on race morning. The rain in the hours before the race did leave a few large puddles (or a small lake in one spot) causing some minor detours to keep your feet dry. We also experienced some fog rolling in, some beautiful sunny moments, but mostly overcast during the day. We are thankful that the winds were very light in the morning, however, there was a steady, stiff wind of about 15 mph out of the north before the day was done for the second half of the 50k field.  A sizeable group of 22 runners elected to take an early start with the first runners getting started at 6:25 am. The remaining 50K runners started at 8:34 am followed by the Half Marathon and Buildup Run starting at 9:10 am.  Pretty much everyone who started was determined to finish as we had 193 finishers for all of the runs combined.

The 50K race was won in blazing fast speed by Nolan McKenna finishing over an hour ahead of the rest of the field in 2:58:54.5. This is only 1 min 26 seconds off the previous Spring 50K record set by Dave Dunham in 2001, but the 2001 race was held on the North Side course back in those days. Nolan is only the second Chicago Lakefront Ultra runner to finish under the 3 hour mark in the 24 year history.

The next front runners in the 50K race started finishing much closer together with Patrick Yalon finishing in 4:00:44, First Female Rachel Burke in 4:04:05, and Rayner De La Cruz Segura rounding out the overall male podium in 4:19:11.  The remaining female overall podium included Rebecca Gafrick finishing 4:26:31 and Marina Dragatsis in 4:29:29.

The 50K Overall Top Male Nolan McKenna, and Overall Top Female Rachel Burke earned etched crystal column awards. 10-year top-three age group winners earned etched Chicago Lakefront Ultras "made the podium" pint glasses. About 20% of our runners were First Time Ultra Finishers earning "I Survived My First Ultra" pint glasses.

The Half Marathon race overall first place spot was secured by Jonnathan Fernandez finishing in 1:11:00 followed by Isaac Hergott in 1:20:21 and Letoffet Antoine in 1:23:02 to round out the Male podium. The Female podium spots were taken by Bronwen Douglas in 1:32:10 followed by Erin Vanderklok in 1:40:41 and then Sarah Susalski in 1:47:50. Top Overall champions Jonnathan Fernandez and Bronwen Douglas collected etched crystal column awards. Top-3 Male and Top-3 Female in 10-year age group divisions earned etched Chicago Lakefront Ultras "made the podium" pint glasses.

The Buildup Run is not intended to be a competitive race.  I'm sure all the participants would agree this was as much fun as a "fun" run can be.  We hope that the run gave you the opportunity to get some good quality miles under your belt and best of luck with your upcoming races.

We also want to recognize a few ultra-runners who thought nothing of running a pleasant trail Paleozoic 50-Km just seven days earlier, then came out to finish this version of Chicago Lakefront Ultras 50K.  Earning their highly coveted "Back-to-Back Weekend Ultra Achiever" pint-glass awards: Daria Pruska, Jodi Haefner (who has completed this challenge multitple times!), Edward Peck, Edna Jackeline Vazquez, and Luis Plascencia.

Another very notable accomplishment came in the form of setting a new Guinness World Record for the most Ultra Marathons completed in a month. He kept a low profile, but William Thornton (Bib #76) came all the way from Midlothian, Virginia to set the new record by completing his sixth Ultra, breaking the current record of five. He is planning to continue on and run a couple more with a target of completing nine Ultras in 30 days to really blow away the current record. William finished the 50K race in 58th place with a time of 6:50:12. Unfortunately, he did not qualify for a coveted "I Survived My First Ultra" pint glass, but we wish you a huge congratulations on the record and we wish you the best of luck with your remaining race, William!

Let's give a huge shout out and thanks to the ultra running community of volunteers who generously staffed the aid stations and start/finish line activities...

* Burnham Park - Flatlander Ultrarunners:

Jimmy Jones (Captain), Jen Birkner, Jill Perry, Kyle Nordquist, Debby Wyatt, and Dan Leonard. Special thanks to Jimmy and Jen for arriving early at 7:30am to setup the aid station.  Anyone who is interested in joining the Flatlanders Facebook group, go check out the "Flatlander Ultrarunners in Chicagoland" group and join up!

* Start/Finish Area at Jackson Park, 63rd Street Beach House:

Marc Anguiano (Captain and Volunteer Coordinator) - Marc has participated in the Chicago Lakefront Ultras as a runner and a volunteer a number of times. This time he helped coordinate the volunteers, arrived early and stayed late to make sure everything was running smoothly.

Jamie Simon - Jamie has volunteered for the Chicago Lakefront Ultras a couple times now. He also arrived early and stayed late, helping with setup, tear down, and keeping everyone fueled up by manning the aid station.

Justin Heller - Justin is a familiar face at the Chicago Lakefront Ultras and Paleozoic races. He kept the aid station well supplied after arriving early to help setup.

Carl Shook - Carl is a veteran runner of Bill and Michelle Thom's races having run quite a few of them over the years and has also helped out a previous Chicago Lakefront Ultras.  The Half Marathoners and Buildup Runners really appreciated him keeping them on the correct course route by directing the "Short Loop" turnaround where the groups split off from each other. He arrived early to help with setup and manned the aid station.

Beth McCloskey - Beth has been a fixture at the Chicago Lakefront Ultras volunteering numerous times and took the lead for finisher scoring handing out the medals and awards.

Vanessa Freedman - Vanessa did a fantastic job as a first time volunteer for us starting with packet pickup first thing in the morning and then working the aid station.

Cameron Pestinger - Cameron was a first time volunteer for us and helped with packet pickup in the morning and then working the aid station during the races.

Angela He - Angela was another first time volunteer at the Chicago Lakefront Ultras, arrived in the morning to help with packet pickup then worked the aid station and helped serve up the beans and rice.

Tony Washington - Tony was the tall guy on the bike leading the 50K race the whole day, helping to keep a clear path for Nolan McKenna to do what he does fast!

Matt O'Bryant - Matt was the guy with the camera, taking about 2500 pictures on race morning! Matt has helped out a number of times at our Chicago Lakefront Ultras volunteering at the aid stations, start/finish line, and taking some of the best pictures we've seen of the race. Thanks Matt for the lasting memories you provide to all the runners!

Timing, webcasting, and finish-line scoring managed by us, through our RunRace website at RunRace. Check out Results and our Webcast through the links...
Results: Chicago Lakefront Ultras Results on RunRace
Webcast: Chicago Lakefront Ultras Webcast with Checkpoint Splits

Check out our gallery of photos below. These pics have been optimized for internet display... feel free to copy for your personal use -and/or- link this "Run Report" with your social networks.

Thanks to all who participated in this 24th Annual Spring Version of the Chicago Lakefront Ultras - George Cheung Memorial Race. Why is the race in honor of George Cheung? Checkout the website for a quick summary about the race founder. I strongly encourage everyone to take a moment to learn about George Cheung - Learn About The Legend...George Cheung

Please join us this fall for the Chicago Lakefront 50/50 on November 2, 2024 (registration is already open!).

[50K Champion Nolan McKenna]Following Saturday's race we asked 50K Champion Nolan McKenna if he would be open to answering a few interview-style questions. And wow... was he ever open. Check out what Nolan had to say about this 2024 Spring Edition of Chicago Lakefront Ultras, and give consideration to his optimized training program, by following his shared link below.
-Bill Thom

Chicago Lakefront Ultras `7-Questions -n- 7-Answers` with 50K Champion Nolan McKenna
BT Q1.) Congratulations on your remarkable finish at this 2024 Chicago Lakefront Ultras Spring Season 50K! You now have three finishes of Chicago Lakefront 50K, all in first place. How do you feel about your performance at this race?

NM A1.) I feel really good about this race! I love the 50k Distance because it allows me just to go have fun without the baggage of expectations attached. I just go run and enjoy the process. Every time I do a 50k I learn a little bit more. I learn about how my training, the pacing of the race, nutrition, and I learn what I am capable of. I think I executed this race pretty well for what I had on the day.

BT Q2.) Did you have specific goals, such as setting a personal record, setting an age-group record, or making a USA team this time around?

NM A2.) The window for qualifying for the USA team is not open at the moment, but that cut off is 3 hours so that was a goal that I had coming in. I would of said that the best case scenario would have been the course record, my B goal was to break 3, my C goal was to run a PR (3:04) and my D goal was to run a 2024 USA #1 (3:11)

BT Q3.) Did you find Saturday's racecourse to be well-marked, set up well, and conducive to reaching your pre-race goals?

NM A3.) The course is well marked and easy to follow. I do like the three lap setup becasue each time you come around you notice new things about the course and try to take the turns a little better each time.

BT Q4.) In addition to three past first place finishes, your finish time of 2:58:54.5 on Saturday is the second fastest time ever run at Chicago Lakefront 50K. What did you do differently in your training and preparation leading up to this race?

NM A4.) I started training with TriDot. And I coach with them as well. TriDot and RunDot are Data Optimized Training. It is a really advanced program that does an amazing job of balacing your workload. Basically this time around I was training smarter and not just doing a bunch of junk mileage. I was only running about 50 miles per week, but with cross training and quality workouts. In the past I would do a ton of extra mileage that just made me tired and took away the quality from my workouts. TriDot and RunDot make a Big difference. And I coach with them as well so let me know if you are interested!

BT Q5.) Your three 10.36-mile laps were aggressive and consistent. Were there any particularly "low moments or stretches" of your race where you felt like you were not going to hold a 5:45_ish pace per mile pace?

NM A5.) I tried to hold 5:40's the whole way. There were a couple stretches the last 10 miles where the sun was bouncing off the water and I had no breeze to cool me off and things got really challenging. I tried to keep all the miles under 6 no matter how I was feeling. Focusing on form and efficiency instead of how bad I was feeling.

BT Q6.) Do you think you'd ever try to break Dave Dunham's Chicago Lakefront 50K record of 2:57:29, set in 2001; you're only 1:26 off his mark?

NM A6.) That is definitely something I would like to do! I don't know when the next world championships are for the 50k, but when the qualifying window opens up I will make another attempt and use that as motivation to go get that record.

BT Q7.) What are your racing plans for spring/summer of 2024?

NM A7.) 2024 I am using as a year just to have fun. I want to chase big goals, but with a focus on enjoying the process along the way. I am currently on the waitlist for a 100 Mile race, but may also look into doing a 24h race instead. But lots of training and fun races ahead for sure!

BT.) Thank you, Nolan!  See Nolan's checkpoint splits under the "Webcast" tab at:
Nolan's Checkpoint Splits
Website:  Go there or Go there in new browser
Additional website reference address.
Click a thumbnail for its larger image.
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action on the Racecourse
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant
Chicago Lakefront Ultras Action Captured by Matt O'Bryant

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Posted:April 1st, 2024 5:56 pm
Last Update:April 2nd, 2024 4:20 pm
Last View:February 11th, 2025 7:22 pm
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