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February 12th, 2025
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Attention... the date for this Race has passed, therefore online registration is not available. Please check with a race director or specific race website for more information.
Race Information
Race Name:Riverside Brookfield HS 61st Annual XC Invite
State:Illinois, United States
Posted:September 1st, 2021 11:02 am
Race: Logo
Event Information
Name of Event:Girls F/S
Date:Saturday September 18th, 2021
Start Time:8:00 am
Special Instructions:
This registration is for "Girls F/S." A maximum of 20 runners may participate per team. At point of registration please provide Team Contact information, along with your roster of runners.
In the case of roster changes... changes must be requested, approved and completed by at least fifteen minutes prior to the start of this event!
Event Registration Schedule
Opened:Wednesday September 1st, 20214:00 pm
Deadline passed:Wednesday September 15th, 20216:30 pm $ 0
Unless otherwise noted... Registration Dates & Times are based upon: U.S. Central Standard Time

Event Information
Name of Event:Girls Varsity
Date:Saturday September 18th, 2021
Start Time:8:30 am
Special Instructions:
This registration is for "Girls Varsity." A maximum of 7 runners may participate per team. At point of registration please provide Team Contact information, along with your roster of runners.
In the case of roster changes... changes must be requested, approved and completed by at least fifteen minutes prior to the start of this event!
Event Registration Schedule
Opened:Wednesday September 1st, 20214:00 pm
Deadline passed:Wednesday September 15th, 20216:30 pm $ 0
Unless otherwise noted... Registration Dates & Times are based upon: U.S. Central Standard Time

Event Information
Name of Event:Girls JV/Open
Date:Saturday September 18th, 2021
Start Time:9:10 am
Special Instructions:
This registration is for "Girls JV/Open." A maximum of 40 runners may participate per team. At point of registration please provide Team Contact information, along with your roster of runners.
In the case of roster changes... changes must be requested, approved and completed by at least fifteen minutes prior to the start of this event!
Event Registration Schedule
Opened:Wednesday September 1st, 20214:00 pm
Deadline passed:Wednesday September 15th, 20216:30 pm $ 0
Unless otherwise noted... Registration Dates & Times are based upon: U.S. Central Standard Time

Event Information
Name of Event:Boys F/S
Date:Saturday September 18th, 2021
Start Time:10:00 am
Special Instructions:
This registration is for "Boys F/S." A maximum of 20 runners may participate per team. At point of registration please provide Team Contact information, along with your roster of runners.
In the case of roster changes... changes must be requested, approved and completed by at least fifteen minutes prior to the start of this event!
Event Registration Schedule
Opened:Wednesday September 1st, 20214:00 pm
Deadline passed:Wednesday September 15th, 20216:30 pm $ 0
Unless otherwise noted... Registration Dates & Times are based upon: U.S. Central Standard Time

Event Information
Name of Event:Boys Varsity
Date:Saturday September 18th, 2021
Start Time:10:40 am
Special Instructions:
This registration is for "Boys Varsity." A maximum of 7 runners may participate per team. At point of registration please provide Team Contact information, along with your roster of runners.
In the case of roster changes... changes must be requested, approved and completed by at least fifteen minutes prior to the start of this event!
Event Registration Schedule
Opened:Wednesday September 1st, 20214:00 pm
Deadline passed:Wednesday September 15th, 20216:30 pm $ 0
Unless otherwise noted... Registration Dates & Times are based upon: U.S. Central Standard Time

Event Information
Name of Event:Boys JV/Open
Date:Saturday September 18th, 2021
Start Time:11:15 am
Special Instructions:
This registration is for "Boys JV/Open." A maximum of 40 runners may participate per team. At point of registration please provide Team Contact information, along with your roster of runners.
In the case of roster changes... changes must be requested, approved and completed by at least fifteen minutes prior to the start of this event!
Event Registration Schedule
Opened:Wednesday September 1st, 20214:00 pm
Deadline passed:Wednesday September 15th, 20216:30 pm $ 0
Unless otherwise noted... Registration Dates & Times are based upon: U.S. Central Standard Time
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