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Attention... an updated or future version of this listing may exist. Click for more info: Chicago Lakefront Ultras 50k and Half Marathon - George Cheung Memorial Race
Race Information
Race Name:Chicago Lakefront Ultras 50k - George Cheung Memorial Race
Date:Saturday March 26th, 2022 - 8:30 am
State:Illinois, United States  Go there or Go there in new browser
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[logo: Chicago Lakefront Ultras]The race is a 50K race along the Chicago lakefront path with a 9-hour time limit (early start option is available if more time is needed).

Race Location
The race start/finish area is at: Jackson Park, Grove 19A
Address: 5700 E Hayes Drive, Chicago, IL 60649 or approximately 6100 S Jean Baptiste Point DuSable Lake Shore Dr.
GPS: 41.7822153, -87.5766138
This is on the west side of Lake Shore Drive, south of the Science and Industry Museum.

The Course (New this year, 9-hour time limit!)
The course will revert back to our traditional course with a 10.3 mile out-and-back "loop". 50K runners will run this loop 3 times. The course will be a USATF certified course. The approximate course map can be viewed on Map My Run at:
NOTE: If you are attempting to set a USATF open or age group record, you must notify the Race Directors as soon as possible to ensure all requirements are met prior to the race.

Coronavirus considerations
All in attendance (runners, volunteers, crew, spectators) are required to wear facial coverings/masks (while not running), and observe 6-feet social distancing practices as prescribed by the guidelines of Restore Illinois Phase 4. Runners are subject to a no-touch forehead temperature screening at check in. Facial coverings/masks are especially important around the aid stations, drop bag area, and when in the Grove 19A - basically whenever you are not on the lakefront path course. You will need to bring your own facial covering/mask. We will have hand sanitizer, wipes, etc. available at the aid stations.

Spectators and Crew Support
In order to be consistent with USATF Rules and Regulations, crew support providing food and hydration is only allowed at the designated aid stations. Crews and spectators on bikes should be extremely careful of pedestrians, runners, and other bikers as the lakefront path will be open to the general public during the race. There is a Divy bike station with about 18 bikes located south of the parking lot at Jackson Park.

Aid Stations
Two aid stations (new this year), you will have access to an aid station at least every 3.6 mile, passing the Burnham Park aid station both outbound and inbound.
• Burnham Park - Oakwood Blvd/39th St, west side of pedestrian path (3.6 miles from Grove 19A and 3.0 miles round trip to/from the North turnaround point).
• There is also an aid station and drop bag at the start/finish area, at the Jackson Park Grove 19A south turnaround spot (3.6 miles from Burnham Park aid station).

Aid stations will have water, Tailwind, Coke, Mountain Dew, Ginger Ale. For food we will have assorted cookies, chips, pretzels, M&M’s, nuts, and some other goodies. Volunteers will be at the aid stations to handle the drink and food items.

WE ARE GOING CUPLESS!!! You will be provided with one, reusable, foldable silicon cup for water, Tailwind, and soda. We also strongly encourage you to bring your own hand held water bottle, hydration bottles and vest, Camelback, etc.

You will have access to your drop bag at the end of each 10.3 mile loop in Jackson Park, so if you are not comfortable with using the aid station supplies, please bring your own supplies and/or have your crew help support you. Note that the aid stations do not have energy gels, so plan accordingly.

We will have portable restrooms located near the basketball courts immediately south of the Grove 19A start/finish areas and at the Burnham Park aid station. Restroom facilities/buildings maintained by the Chicago Park District may or may not be open on race day.

Drop Bag Area
There will be a designated drop bag area near the start/finish area in Grove 19A, thus giving you access to your drop bag every 10.3 miles. The drop bag area will be tarps, and they will be open to the elements. Please do not crowd the space and do not touch/move other people’s stuff.

I have always found that using a small cooler works great as a drop bag. That gives you something protected from the elements, and if it is a hard-sided cooler, it gives you a place to sit, if needed.

Packet Pickup / Runner Check-In
All participants must check in on race morning prior to the start of their event. Packet pickup will take place near the race start/finish area in Jackson Park Grove 19A (just north of the basketball courts). Packet pickup will begin at 7:30am and conclude prior to the start of the race.

At packet pickup, you will sign a race waiver and receive your timing chip ankle bracelet, bib number, pins, race shirt. Your race number needs to be visible at all times on the front of your body.

Everyone will receive a race shirt in their packet. All 50K finishers (including early starters) will receive a finisher's medal. First place overall male and female will earn a very special recognition award.

Early Starters
If you would like to start early, please contact me at to let me know. We must keep track of who is starting early. Early starters will not qualify for overall or age group awards.

There is plenty of parking at the Jackson Park location. There are large parking lots immediately south of Grove 19A and 19B (on the north side of Hayes Drive) and also on the south side of Hayes Drive. There is also limited free parking along the street on Hayes Drive, but do not park in the Tow Zones. Parking in the parking lots is paid parking using the Park Chicago app or the meter stations.
Weather forecast: National Weather Service

Congratulations to standout veterans of Chicago Lakefront Ultras for their performances at our October 30, 2021 race...
[Oct 30, 2021: Roy Rubinstein]
[Oct 30, 2021: Roy Rubinstein's New American Record]Roy Rubinstein sets a new USA Track and Field Age Group Record for 50 Kilometers, of 8 hours, 3 minutes, 18 seconds! Check out Roy's coverage in the Daily Hearld, by Burt Constable.
[Oct 30, 2021: Roy Rubinstein]Bernd Heinrich returns to Chicago's lakefront forty years after setting an American masters record of 6:38:21 for 100 Kilometers. His record still stands, Bernd still races, and the ultra-accolades keep coming! Check out Bernd's coverage in Outside Magazine's Lessons from a Lifetime of Running, and Running’s Most Interesting Recluse.
Posted:December 9th, 2021 10:45 am
Last Update:March 22nd, 2022 4:46 pm
Event InformationFor multiple Member Events:
Name of EventDistanceMeasurementDateStart TimeRelay MembersTeam Members
    Chicago Lakefront 50k50.00KilometersMar 26th, 20228:30 am
   Chicago Lakefront Buildup Run20.71MilesMar 26th, 20228:30 am
   Chicago Lakefront Ultras Volunteer9.00HoursMar 26th, 20227:00 am
Director Information
button: Email RDs
Name of Race DirectorEmail AddressPhone Number
Jeffrey FleitzChicagoLakefrontRD@gmail.com219-359-6755
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